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Tech Policy Press

Tech Policy Press is a nonprofit media and community venture intended to provoke new ideas, debate and discussion at the intersection of technology and democracy. The Sunday Show is its podcast. You can find us at https://techpolicy.press/, where you can join the newsletter.

  • 2024 / 10 / 13
    From King James to Google: Barry Lynn on the Antitrust Revolution

    Barry Lynn is the executive director of the Open Markets Institute in Washington DC and the author of this month's cover essay in Harper's titled "The Antitrust Revolution: Liberal democracy’s last stand...

  • 2024 / 10 / 11
    The Evolution of Online Political Advertising: A Conversation with Who Targets Me's Sam Jeffers

    Today’s guest is Sam Jeffers, cofounder and executive director of Who Targets Me. Jeffers has spent several yearshas spent several years building a suite of capabilities to make political advertising more...

  • 2024 / 10 / 6
    Unpacking New Mexico's Complaint Against Snap Inc.

    Last week, Wall Street Journal technology reporter Jeff Horwitz first reported on details of an unredacted version of a complaint against Snap brought by New Mexico Attorney General RaĂşl Torrez. Tech Policy...

  • 2024 / 10 / 6
    Assessing Systemic Risk Under the Digital Services Act

    One of the most significant concepts in Europe’s Digital Services Act is that of “systemic risk,” which relates to the spread of illegal content, or content that might have foreseeable negative effects on the...

  • 2024 / 9 / 29
    AI Snake Oil: Separating Hype from Reality

    Arvind Narayanan and Sayash Kapoor are the authors of AI Snake Oil: What Artificial Intelligence Can Do, What It Can’t, and How to Tell the Difference, published September 24 by Princeton University Press. In...

  • 2024 / 9 / 25
    Assessing Platform Preparedness for the 2024 US Election

    The Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) recently assessed social media platforms’ policies, public commitments, and product interventions related to election integrity across six major issue areas:...

  • 2024 / 9 / 22
    Gary Marcus Wants to Tame Silicon Valley

    Gary Marcus writes that the companies developing artificial intelligence systems want the citizens of democracies “to absorb all the negative externalities” that might arise from their products, “such as...

  • 2024 / 9 / 22
    Resisting the Tech Coup: A Conversation with Marietje Schaake

    Marietje Schaake is the author of The Tech Coup: How to Save Democracy from Silicon Valley. Dr. Alondra Nelson, a Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study, who served as deputy assistant to...

  • 2024 / 9 / 21
    Thierry Breton Resigns- What Does it Mean for European Tech Regulation?

    In 2019, Thierry Breton, a French business executive who became the France’s Minister of Finance from 2005 to 2007, was nominated by President Emmanuel Macron to become a member of the European...

  • 2024 / 9 / 15
    Understanding Systemic Risks under the Digital Services Act

    At Tech Policy Press, we’re closely following the implementation of the Digital Services Act, the European Union law designed to regulate online platforms and services. One of the DSA’s key objectives is to...

  • 2024 / 9 / 15
    Free Speech vs. Sovereignty?

    Paris Marx, a Canadian tech critic, recently authored a post under the headline "Pavel Durov and Elon Musk are not free speech champions: The actions against Telegram and Twitter/X are about sovereignty, not...

  • 2024 / 9 / 9
    Google Online Advertising Antitrust Trial Kicks Off In a DC Court

    Today is Monday, September 9th. Today Judge Leonie Brinkema of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia is presiding over the start of a trial in which the United States Department of...

  • 2024 / 9 / 8
    Platforms and Elections: the Global State of Play

    On August 26th, Justin Hendrix moderated a panel convened by the Social Science Research Council at its offices in Brooklyn, New York. The panel was titled “Platforms and Elections: the Global State of Play,...

  • 2024 / 9 / 8
    What's Going On In California?

    Thirty tech bills went through the law making sausage grinder in California this past session, and now Governor Gavin Newsom is about to decide the fate of 19 that passed the state legislature. The Governor...

  • 2024 / 9 / 1
    Understanding the People Who Turn Lies Into Reality

    Renée DiResta, who serves on the board of Tech Policy Press and has been an occasional contributor, is the author of Invisible Rulers: The People Who Turn Lies Into Reality, published by Hachette Book Group...

  • 2024 / 8 / 30
    Brazilian Judge Orders the Suspension of Elon Musk's X

    The billionaire owner of the social media platform X, Elon Musk, has been in a prolonged dispute with a Supreme Court Judge in Brazil regarding X’s content moderation practices. Earlier this year, Judge...

  • 2024 / 8 / 25
    A Conversation with Mark Surman, President of Mozilla

    Justin Hendrix speaks with Mark Surman, President of Mozilla, about Mozilla’s work promoting open source AI, the importance of competition in the tech sector, and the regulatory challenges facing the...

  • 2024 / 8 / 18
    Design Codes and the Courts

    On Friday, August 16, the United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a ruling in NetChoice v. Bonta, partially upholding and partially vacating a preliminary injunction against...

  • 2024 / 8 / 11
    New Mexico Attorney General RaĂşl Torrez on His Lawsuit Against Meta

    Raúl Torrez was sworn in as New Mexico’s 32nd Attorney General in January 2023. Last December, Attorney General Torrez filed a lawsuit against Meta for allegedly failing to protect children from sexual abuse,...

  • 2024 / 8 / 4
    Using AI to Engage People about Conspiracy Beliefs

    In May, Justin Hendrix moderated a discussion with David Rand, who is a professor of Management Science and Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT, the director of the Applied Cooperation Initiative, and an...

  • 2024 / 7 / 28
    Data Workers, In Their Own Words

    The Distributed AI Research Institute, or DAIR—which seeks to conduct community-rooted AI research that is independent from the technology industry—has launched a new project called the Data Workers' Inquiry...

  • 2024 / 7 / 21
    Silicon Valley Leaders Cast Their Lot with Donald Trump

    In the past week, multiple Silicon Valley billionaires announced endorsements of former President and 2024 Republican nominee Donald Trump. To dig a bit deeper into their motivations to support Trump and his...

  • 2024 / 7 / 21
    The Future of Privacy in the Age of AI

    It goes without saying that privacy and the creation of laws and regulations around it are fundamental to determining how we will live and work with technology, and whether technology operates in service of...

  • 2024 / 7 / 14
    What Comes After Murthy v Missouri

    On June 26, the US Supreme Court issued a 6-3 ruling in Murthy v Missouri, a cased that considered whether the Biden administration violated the First Amendment in its efforts to address COVID-19 mis- and...

  • 2024 / 7 / 14
    Data Rights in the Age of AI

    In this episode, David Carroll, an associate professor of media design in the MFA Design and Technology graduate program at the School of Art, Media and Technology at Parsons School of Design at The New...

  • 2024 / 7 / 7
    Considering the Ethics of AI Assistants

    In April, Google DeepMind published a paper that boasts 57 authors, including experts from a range of disciplines in different parts of Google, including DeepMind, Jigsaw, and Google Research, as well as...

  • 2024 / 6 / 30
    Big Tech and the News

    News and journalism organizations and dominant tech companies are in a years-long battle over content, clicks and revenue, and the tech companies are winning. What are policy options that encourage both the...

  • 2024 / 6 / 23
    How China Regulates Tech

    Angela Zhang is the author of High Wire: How China Regulates Big Tech and Governs Its Economy, published this year by Oxford University Press. With a career in the practice of law and in teaching it, Zhang...

  • 2024 / 6 / 23
    Understanding the Digital Silk Road

    In October 2023, during the third Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, China's leader Xi Jinping signaled a shift in focus from more grandiose physical infrastructure projects to 'small yet smart' initiatives....

  • 2024 / 6 / 23
    Internet Governance Is At A Crossroads

    In this episode, we explore a topic that sits at the heart of global digital policy: the contrasting visions of internet governance championed by the United States and its Western allies versus those promoted...

  • 2024 / 6 / 21
    The Demise of CrowdTangle and What It Means for Independent Technology Research

    A topic we returned to often in this podcast is the dire need for independent technology researchers to have access to platform data. Without it, we cannot understand the extent of the harms and effects of...

  • 2024 / 6 / 18
    Finding the Humanity in an Automated World

    Madhumita Murgia, AI editor at the Financial Times, is the author of a new book called Code Dependent: Living in the Shadow of AI. The book combines reporting and research to provide a look at the role that...

  • 2024 / 6 / 16
    A Conversation with White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Director Arati Prabhakar

    Dr. Arati Prabhakar the Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and Technology Policy and Science Advisor to President Joe Biden. This week, she hosted an event in Washington DC...

  • 2024 / 6 / 10
    AI and Epistemic Risk: A Coming Crisis?

    What are the risks to democracy as AI is incorporated more and more into the systems and platforms we use to find and share information and engage in communication? In this episode, Justin Hendrix speaks with...

  • 2024 / 6 / 9
    What's Next for Tech Policy in India After the Elections

    What role did technology play in India's elections, and what impact will the outcome have on tech policy in the country? Joining Justin Hendrix are three experts: Amber Sinha and Vandinika Shukla, both...

  • 2024 / 6 / 6
    How Are Political Campaigners in the US Using Generative AI?

    The guests in this episode are authors of a new study titled Political Machines: Understanding the Role of AI in the US 2024 Elections and Beyond. The study is based on interviews with a variety of...

  • 2024 / 6 / 2
    The Role of Shareholder Activism in Tech Accountability

    This episode focuses on the role of shareholder activism in pursuing transparency and accountability from tech firms. In a week where board resolutions are up for a vote at Meta and Alphabet related to each...

  • 2024 / 5 / 26
    Shadow Report on AI Addresses What the US Senate Missed

    As we documented in Tech Policy Press, when the US Senate AI working group released its roadmap on policy on May 17th, many outside organizations were underwhelmed at best, and some were fiercely critical of...

  • 2024 / 5 / 26
    A Perspective on Meta's Moderation of Palestinian Voices

    A conversation with Marwa Fatafta, who serves as policy and advocacy director for the nonprofit Access now, which has worked on digital civil rights, connectivity and censorship issues for the past 15 years....

  • 2024 / 5 / 19
    AI: Past, Present, and Future with Chris Stokel-Walker

    One tech journalist whose byline always draws me in is Chris Stokel-Walker. He writes for multiple publications including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Economist, Wired, Fast Company,...

  • 2024 / 5 / 19
    Prioritizing Civil Rights in US AI Policy: Claudia Ruiz and Alejandra Montoya-Boyer

    On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, a bipartisan US Senate working group led by Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) released a report titled "Driving U.S. Innovation in Artificial Intelligence: A...

  • 2024 / 5 / 12
    What We're Talking About When We Talk About Rural AI

    Last October, Dr. Jasmine McNealy, as an associate professor at the University of Florida, a Senior Fellow in Tech Policy with the Mozilla Foundation, and a Faculty Associate at the Berkman...

  • 2024 / 5 / 11
    A Hippocratic Oath for AI? A Conversation with Chinmayi Sharma

    The Hippocratic oath, named for a Greek physician who lived ~2,500 years ago that some call the father of modern medicine, is one of the earliest examples of an expression of professional ethics. It is a...

  • 2024 / 5 / 5
    Don't Hype Disinfo, Say Disinfo Experts

    One topic we come back to again and again on this podcast is disinformation. In many episodes, we’ve discussed various phenomena related to this ambiguous term, and we’ve tried to use science to guide the...

  • 2024 / 5 / 4
    Resisting AI and the Consolidation of Power

    In an introduction to a special issue of the journal First Monday on topics related to AI and power, Jenna Burrell and Jacob Metcalf argue that "what can and cannot be said inside of mainstream computer...

  • 2024 / 4 / 28
    What's Next for TikTok, and US Tech Policy

    Last week President Joe Biden signed into law a measure that would force the Chinese firm ByteDance to divest its ownership of TikTok, or risk the app being banned in the US. The measure also included...

  • 2024 / 4 / 21
    Securing Privacy Rights to Advance Civil Rights

    Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce held a hearing: “Legislative Solutions to Protect Kids Online and Ensure Americans’ Data Privacy Rights.” Between the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) and the...

  • 2024 / 4 / 14
    The Societal Impacts of Foundation Models, and Access to Data for Researchers

    This episode features two conversations. Both relate to efforts to better understand the impact of technology on society. In the first, we’ll hear from Sayash Kapoor, a PhD candidate at the Department of...

  • 2024 / 4 / 7
    Elon Musk's X Loses in Court: Why It Matters for Independent Technology Research

    Last week, a federal judge granted a motion to dismiss and strike a lawsuit brought by X Corp, formerly known as Twitter, against a nonprofit research outfit called The Center for Countering Digital Hate...

  • 2024 / 4 / 6
    Nathan Schneider on Democratic Design for Online Life

    On this show, when we talk about technology and democracy, guests are often talking about the relationship between technology and existing democratic systems. Today's guest wants us to think more expansively...