The majority of physicians will be sued during their career, yet the topic is largely taboo. This podcast for physicians discusses malpractice litigation and litigation stress, with the voices of doctors who have been through it. Music by @BenJamin Banger.
Learn more about creator Gita Pensa M.D. at
Also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify
- 2025 / 3 / 23Gotta Have (Good) Faith...and Beware the 'Lizard's Tail'When an insurance company is accused of acting in bad faith, it's alleged that they failed to act fairly and reasonably in handling a claim -- often related to not agreeing to a reasonable settlement when the...
- 2025 / 2 / 16Beyond Blame: Richard Boothman and a Transformative Approach to Adverse EventsIf you’ve ever felt frustrated by the fear-driven legal landscape of medicine, this conversation will change the way you think about liability and the future of patient safety. In this episode, Dr. Pensa sits...
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- 2024 / 11 / 27Thought Work for the Health of ItDr. Pensa explains why attention to your thinking, even when you feel your mental health is "good", can lead to personal growth and a more satisfying life. We all know the markers of excellent physical...
- 2024 / 10 / 28What's In Your Policy? Things to Know About Your Med Mal CoverageMany of us have no idea who our medical malpractice insurance carrier is, let alone the details in our policy. But this ignorance can have huge consequences when it's time to face a claim, and it's better to...
- 2024 / 9 / 28The All-Important JuryPhysicians and other clinician defendants whose cases go to trial (roughly 8-10% of malpractice cases) usually have little understanding of the legal events and strategies involved, which naturally amplifies...
- 2024 / 8 / 25Strategic Communication in LitigationIn this episode, Dr. Pensa discusses 'strategic communication' in litigation with expert Matt Abrahams. Matt teaches strategic communication at Stanford Graduate School of Business and hosts the podcast,...
- 2024 / 7 / 18A World of Hurt"A World of Hurt: How Medical Malpractice Fails Everyone" is a new documentary produced by Emmy-nominated physician-filmmaker Dr. Mark Brady and two medical students, Alex Homer and Viknesh Kasthuri. After a...
- 2024 / 7 / 11'Nuclear' VerdictsThe phrase "nuclear verdict" strikes fear into the heart of any defendant - and today we're going to tackle it head on. We welcome Dusty Otwell, JD, medical malpractice defense attorney and Chief Risk Officer...
- 2024 / 6 / 14Mindfulness in LitigationThere is a wealth of research to support a positive effect of mindfulness on the mental health and overall well being of physicians and other clinicians. This is well documented in spheres like burnout, job...
- 2024 / 5 / 7Medical Board Complaints and InvestigationsMedical Boards (or state Departments of Licensure and Discipline) are charged with keeping the public safe from unskilled, impaired, or unscrupulous doctors (or other licensed clinicians, each of which has...
- 2024 / 4 / 4Help ResistanceThis month, we're exploring the topic of 'help-resistance' in physicians. Why do we acknowledge the need to maintain and optimize the health of our bodies, but scoff at doing the same for our minds or mental...
- 2024 / 3 / 9The EMR Audit Trail: Friend and FoeIn this first episode of Season 2, Dr. Pensa talks with attorney Saira Pasha, an EMR audit trail expert. What else besides the words in your chart does your electronic medical record track? Are 'secure...
- 2024 / 2 / 8Life After Litigation: Part TwoDr. Pensa tells the story of her own life after litigation in an interview with Dr. Mel Herbert. This is the last episode of Season One. But follow along -- a new season is in the works! We'll talk about...
- 2023 / 5 / 10Life After Litigation: Part OneAlthough you might expect life to go back to 'normal' as soon as the litigation process is complete, it often doesn't work that way. Lingering distress, if left unaddressed, can lead to behaviors like...
- 2022 / 4 / 11Special Episode: The RaDonda Vaught CaseIn this special episode, Dr. Pensa has a conversation with attorney T. Marc Calvert about the criminal trial of RaDonda Vaught, a Vanderbilt nurse who was found guilty of negligent homicide due to a...
- 2020 / 4 / 5Special Episode: Litigation Risk and COVID-19Many listeners have sent in questions about litigation in this new era of COVID-19. They are infuriated after seeing advertisements from plaintiff's attorney firms already soliciting COVID-19 cases, while...
- 2020 / 3 / 13Trial and SettlementIn this episode, we're on the road to trial -- and talking about settlement opportunities that may come up along the way. Who makes the decisions about going to trial vs offering/accepting a settlement? What...
- 2020 / 1 / 20When Litigation Hits Home: Relationships and Litigation Stress"Every member of the family is involved in a lawsuit." -Dr Greg Henry Litigation often has a spillover effect on spouses/partners and families, whether or not the defendant physician acknowledges it. In this...
- 2019 / 12 / 14Experts and Testiliars: Part TwoIn Part Two of 'Experts and Testiliars' we continue to explore the world of unethical medical expert witnesses and their impact on defendants and the litigation system. You'll hear a presentation of Dr....
- 2019 / 10 / 30Experts and Testiliars: Part OneIn part one of this look at medical experts in malpractice litigation, we hear the story of Dr. M, a physician embroiled in a dramatic legal battle after the death of a patient, and his efforts to bring the...
- 2019 / 9 / 25D-Day: Preparing For Your DepositionIn this episode, we discuss the need for emotional, psychological, and practical preparation for your deposition. We hear from experts such as defense attorney Ryan Deady (of Barton Gilman, LLP) as well as...
- 2019 / 9 / 11L Word Mini: NPSA DayIn follow up to the fourth episode, which tells the story of Dr. J, a physician who died by suicide during medical malpractice litigation, this mini session highlights National Physician Suicide Awareness Day...
- 2019 / 7 / 24Darkness Into Light: Suicide, Coping, and HopeIn this fourth episode, we first hear the story of Dr. J, an accomplished OB Gyn who died by suicide during litigation in the aftermath of the death of his patient. We then talk about barriers to physicians...
- 2019 / 6 / 15Stark Choices: The Case of Dr. VIn this third episode, you'll hear the story of one tragic medical case and its legal aftermath, involving a physician who did everything right -- and yet winds up as a defendant in a high-stakes malpractice...
- 2019 / 5 / 9First Steps: You‘ve Been ServedIn the second episode of Doctors and Litigation: The L Word, we discuss the very first steps in litigation, starting with when you are given notice of a medical malpractice lawsuit. Experts Dr. Sara Charles,...
- 2019 / 4 / 6Introduction: What’s the Big Deal?Litigation affects the majority of physicians during their career -- in other words, good doctors often get sued. Yet the topic is largely a taboo one among physicians. In this first episode, Dr. Gita Pensa...