My name is Tiago and I am a full time Indie Maker.
I build startups without any external investment and my goal is to perfect my entrepreneurial craft and reach $100K ARR (Annual Recurrent Revenue)
Join me as I narrate my story and interview other entrepreneurs.
- Episode#272 - My Ultimate Indie Plan For 2023How will 2023 differ from 2022? In this episode, we will define together goals for the new year and reflect a little bit on 2022. I will also speak about another FeedHive great featureSponsor...
- Episode#271 - How My MRR Went From $40 to $700 in 2022How did my MRR grow in 2022? In this episode, I will go through some of my podcast episodes of 2022 and tell you how they affected my journey and what I was able to learn from them.Watch My InterviewSupport...
- Episode#270 - Interviewing Marie About Founding TallyForms and Being a ParentCan you build a company while having a newborn? Together with her partner Filip, Marie Martens built a company to 30K MRR while raising their newborn daughter. In this interview, you will hear the story that...
- Episode#269 - My First Hire (I am going all in!)When should you make your first hire? For me was a combination of finding the right person for the job with filling in a very important role in the community (event organizer). I will also speak about the...
- Episode#268 - My One Ultimate Advice For Indie MakersMy ultimate indie hacking advice is... I guess you will have to hear this episode to find out ;) Besides that, I will also speak about other general philosophical topics... I will speak about how Cristiano...
- Episode#267 - I Fired My First Client (WBE Drama)Did you ever have to fire a paying client? I recently went through that unpleasant experience in the wbe community and will tell you all about it. Besides, I will also be speaking about ChatGPT and will share...
- Episode#266 - Interviewing Matt Gale About Freelancing, Indie Making and Nomad LifeWhat is the best path to financial independence? Matt and his wife decided to adopt a digital nomad lifestyle. They are both entrepreneurs and Matt is trying to navigate freelancing and his indie projects. We...
- Episode#265 - What can we learn from the Indie Astronauts?Are they just lucky or do they actually know what they are doing? One of the members of a youtube channel I follow actually got a fully paid trip to space! One thing he said in that video really got me...
- Episode#264 - My Part-Time Freelancing Is Paying The BillsCan you work part-time and still be an Indie Hacker? Well, yes! I have been focusing on finding short time projects that help me pay the bills while still having time to work on my projects. I will talk about...
- Episode#263 - Talking Anxieties With My Best Friend (No Filters)My good friend and I sat down and had an open-hearted conversation about our jobs, anxieties, and plans for the future. I am an Indie Hacker and he is a Project Manager working for a tech company. We both...
- Episode#262 - Interviewing Simon Høiberg about Lessons from His Journey to $400K ARRHow did Simon Høiberg reach $400K ARR? In this conversation, we will learn more about Simon's background (did you know that he started in sales??) and try to extract as much knowledge as possible from his...
- Episode#261 - How I Am Implementing The Viral LoopI start the episode with a review of the Websummit 2022. After I speak about the launch of the Indie Lottery and what went well and what we have to improve. And last but not least I will speak about the viral...
- Episode#260 - Building A Marketing Viral Loop With Tony DinhIn this episode, I interviewed Tony Dihn about how can Indie Makers build an integrated viral loop in their products. It's a short conversation where you will learn about what is a viral loop and how can you...
- Episode#259 - Gigantic Speaker Almost Fell On My Head!!Today I attended the first day of the Web Submit and I will share with you my first thoughts. I will also speak about the process of building and launching our new product: The Indie LotteryTony Dinh Speaking...
- Episode#258 - Interviewing Mariana Trigo About Shifting From Biology To TechAt 22 Mariana was living a life that certainly was making her parents proud, however, she was urging for something more. That's when she decided to quit everything and go travel. That ignited a big shift in...
- Episode#257 - The Secret Price of a Product That No One KnowsI had an eureka moment around the true price of products and I will tell you about it in this episode. I will also share how I was able to make money with the even before launching the...
- Episode#256 - I Just Reached 1600 Twitter FollowersToday I am speaking about the strategies I am applying to find a suitable job for me. At the same time, I will share some tips that I learn to great tweets with better engagement. And last but not least I...
- Episode#255 - Interviewing Julien Nahum About Bootstrapping NotionForms to 160K ARRJulien Nahum is a successful bootstrapper that was able to grow his NoCode SaaS NotionForms to $160K MRR in just one year. Before that Julien has built many interesting businesses and worked at amazon. Get...
- Episode#254 - My First Ever Indie Hacker TalkI was invited to speak about indie hacking on a Future.Works conference and I will tell you all about how the talk went and what I have learned from the event. I will also share about a less positive incident...
- Episode#253 - Paid Communities Are The Future Of Social MediaIn this episode, I will give you an update on what I was able to achieve in the past week despite being on holiday. I speak about how the community is growing, how I prepared my first talk about Indie...
- Episode#252 - No More Full Time Indie HackingWe are reaching the end of September which means that my deadline is up and I have to find some kind of job that will help me pay the bills.Support The PodcastJoin the WBE SpaceBuy The Bootstrappers...
- Episode#251 - Interviewing Sveta Bay About Building A Successful Info ProductSveta Bay is the co-founder of a product that was able to grow from 0 $11K in only 3 months. In this interview, you will learn about Sveta's background and how she and Dan, without a tech...
- Episode#250 - I Think I Just Found a Co-FounderThis episode starts with an unexpected adventure...I have been running around trying everything I can think of to boost my MRR. One of the projects has shown some potential (the Indie Lottery) and I found a...
- Episode#249 - Chatting with Anthony About Our Indie Communities [Part 1]Anthony and I sat down together to speak about our journey in building our virtual communities for indie makers. We spoke about how it all started, how we were able to grow our communities, and what we have...
- Episode#248 - A Cold Messaging Technique That Actually Works!I finally found a type of cold messaging that resulted in great engagement and I will share it with you in this episode.I will also address the post claiming that Indie Hackers are all feeding a Ponzi Scheme...
- Episode#247 - Why Is It So Hard To Answer This Question?In this episode, I try to answer the question: "If you could go back in time what would you change in your indie journey?". I will also give you updates on my week and speak about some of my experiments with...
- Episode#246 - I Got Punched in the FaceHow getting punched in the face made me analyze my approach to entrepreneurism. I also share the current results of my experience uploading all my podcast episodes to youtube, my new exciting projects, and...
- Episode#245 - I am trying a new Passive Marketing StrategyI want to adopt a more passive marketing strategy that does not require as much of my daily time as my current want does (Twitter and indiehackers). Today I will share more about this new strategy that focus...
- Episode#243 - I Always Feel Like I Have Not Worked EnoughAfter a week of downwards spiraling, I want to tell you what triggered it and what I have learned from it. I will also share some tips on how to get rid of those not-so-good thoughts and feelings.About this...
- Episode#242 - My Hybrid Hollidays BackfiredLast week I tried to split my time between holidays and work and that ended backfiring since I was not able to do either... I will also talk about the signs of being a creative person and being featured in...
- Episode#241 - Interviewing Kirill About Building an Indie Business during Covid-19 and the Ukrainian InvasionKirill quit his job to follow an Indie career and for the past 3 years, he and his business went through the Covid-19 pandemic and the Ukrainian invasion, two tremendous challenges that he has been able to...
- Episode#240 - I Sent 50 Cold Linkedin MessagesI sent 50 LinkedIn cold messages to try to acquire new customers for my business and in this episode, you will learn what I was able to accomplish with that (spoiler alert: not much XD). I was also told off...
- Episode#239 - Interviewing Thomas Evans about building his successful indie businessThomas is the co-founder of EmailOctopus, a SaaS makings millions in revenue. But his career path started at 16 when he moved to India for three months to learn how to build cricket bats. Listen to his...
- Episode#238 - I Joined NomadListI joined NomadList, which is the biggest community out there for digital nomads and I will be giving you my honest review.I will also share about my product's conversion rate and how surprised I was when I...
- Episode#237 - It's been one year. Where are they now?Today I am catching up with two previous guests of the wannabe entrepreneur podcast. It's been one year since I last spoke with Kavya and Luca, back then they were starting their Indie Hacking career. In this...
- Episode#236 - I Found an Amazing Co-Working SpaceI have spent the past week exploring many new coffee places to work from and end up finding a great co-working space. I will also give you an update on my info product soft launch.Relevant LinksIdeaSpace...
- Episode#235 - Interview with The Sailing Frenchman [Re-Published]Re-PublishedI have been following Hugo's youtube channel from the beginning and it was a true pleasure to chat with him about his journey. Hugo will tell us about how he grew his youtube channel and how he...
- Episode#234 - My First Info Product Is OutI have spent the last week compiling all the information I gathered in all my interviews into an easy-to-follow guide. It will be my first info product.Relevant LinksBuy The Bootstrappers GuideJoin the WBE...
- Episode#233 - Interviewing Kilian About Building a Profitable NoMarketing ToolKilian Poulin is a young entrepreneur that together with his co-founder decided to follow the indie hacking route immediately after college. Since then they have built 2 big projects. The first one did not...
- Episode#232 - Low Conversions and Bad Co-Working SpacesI finally went to claim my one-month co-working space prize but it turned out not to match my expectations at all. I will also tell you about my new exciting projects and why the wbe space conversion is not...
- Episode#231 - The Secret Patterns of Successful EntrepreneursToday I analyze four past WBE interviews with successful indie makers and I will share with you three hidden patterns that are common across all these for WBE guests. You can/should use this knowledge to...
- Episode#230 - Dagobert Sat On My CouchI might have overestimated how important my presence is to keep the WBE Space quality, I have been collecting feedback from the current members and re-thinking the value proposition of the community. I will...
- Episode#229 - Interview With Tibo [Re-Published]This is a republished episodeToday I am chatting with Thibault (aka Tibo). He is a serial entrepreneur that has sold 2 startups and is currently building Tweethunter, a company that helps creators grow their...
- Episode#228 - Back from holidays... Is my business still there?Back from the holidays and I want to let you know how the community performed without me being present.Relevant LinksJoin the WBE SpaceMerch StoreDM me on TwitterDemo DayBackground...
- Episode#227 - Interview With Pieter Levels [Re-Published]This is a republished episodeListen to Pieter Levels speak about his upbringing and what motivated him to become an entrepreneur. In this interview, we also try to pin down certain personal characteristics...
- Episode#226 - No Corporate World For Me PleaseAfter a conversation with an executive that worked in a big corporation for multiple years, I realized how backward this corporate world is, which motivates me to keep working on my business until it...
- Episode#225 - Interviewing Nuno Simaria About His Journey Becoming a Top CTONuno Simaria has an incredible tech journey, having worked in multiple startups and scaling HelloFresh from 5 to 650 tech employees. In this interview, Nuno will share about his journey starting from his...
- Episode#224 - I Really Needed This BreakI am sailing on the beautiful coast of Spain and this episode will be more focusing on the "Lifestyle of an Entrepreneur" section. Will reflect on my projects and tell you what's going on in my mind.Relevant...
- Episode#223 - Interviewing Fed About How to Be a Relaxed BootstrapperAfter giving a shot in the startup world Fed decided to give a shot in the indie making world and he has been loving the experience. In today's interview, you will learn more about Fed's journey and how he...
- Episode#222 - How I got 300 Upvotes On My ProductHunt LaunchMy WBE Space ProductHunt launch was successful, having reached the 5th product of the day with more than 300 upvotes. In today's episode, I will tell you how I was able to accomplish this and share some...
- Episode#221 - Interviewing Shawn about Bootstrapping the Farms of the FutureShawn Fisher worked as an electric engineer for more than 10 years but one day, together with his wife Amy, decided that they could change the way people produce veggies. Since then they are bootstrapping a...
- Episode#220 - I am Launching on ProductHuntIn today's episode, I will speak about how being an entrepreneur can feel like living outside society's norms. I will also celebrate two important milestones that I have reached in the last week. After that,...
- Episode#219 - Interviewing Camille About Bootstrapping Her Own Notion JobCamille is an ambassador of the NoCode tool Notion and has created the Notion French and Portuguese Community.Camille grew up traveling around France and since then that it has been really hard for her to...
- Episode#218 - What I Have Learn from Tony's Success JourneyIt's been ONE year since I started this podcast. Can you believe it? Today I will speak about how I felt reaching this milestone and what are some of the consequences of burning my savings... I will also...
- Episode#217 - Interviewing Tony Dinh about becoming a Full-Time Indie HackerTony Dinh is a developer turned indie maker that in a year was able to reach 7K MRR. Tony was born in Vietnam and always had a passion for coding, after graduating he worked as a Software Developer for 7...
- Episode#216 - My Product's Price Was Too LowAfter being encouraged by my wbe members I finally decided to be courageous and increase the WBE Space monthly price and I will tell you about this process. I will also give you some updates on the new...
- Episode#215 - Interviewing Luca Micheli about Building Successful ProductsLuca left college to start his entrepreneurial career and has never looked back. Started building apps back when they entered the market and was able to make them extremely profitable. More recently Luca has...
- Episode#214 - I Was Being a Little Bit Arrogant...I am not proud, but, some recent thoughts about this podcast made me realize that I might have some arrogant traces in myself and I will share this with you today. I will also give you an update on the wbe...
- Episode#213 - Interviewing James About Hosting the Indie Bites PodcastJames McKinven started his full-time indie hacking career in 2021, since then he was able to grow his podcast, Indie Bites, to a must-listen show in the indie makers community. He also supports other...
- Episode#212 - Took me 8 months to reach $200 MRR!!I crossed the $200 MRR after 10 months of bootstrapping! In this episode, I will speak about reaching this milestone, the success I had after a week of WBE sales on Twitter and in the end I will share some...
- Episode#211 - Interviewing Rosie Sherry about How to Build a CommunityRosie Sherry is an expert community builder with several years of experience. She bootstrapped Ministry of Testing to 7 figures and also worked on Indie Hackers as a community manager.In this interview, you...
- Episode#210 - I Need to Become a Salesman...As April continues to deliver terrible results for me I see myself desperate to try new things and an eye-opening conversation with the CEO of a digital company pointed me towards trying out sales. In today's...
- EpisodeNew WBE Merch StoreWBE MERCH STOREBecome a memberJoão Amaro Linkedin
- Episode#209 - Interviewing Lydia about becoming a Virtual Assistant for EntrepreneursLydia Melvin was unhappy with her job as a project manager in a big agency. She decided to leave her job to take some time off and figure out what she wanted to do next. Lydia started meeting many Indie...
- Episode#208 - A Therapeutical Phone CallAfter a not-so-good week, I called the Twitter legend, Dagobert for some bootstrapper advice and to get an update on his projects. We spoke about many topics that affect all bootstrappers and the lessons that...
- Episode#207 - Interviewing Hillary Black about Communities, Social Media and Chat BotsHillary Black started her career as a social media manager, having worked in multiple companies including Vine. After that Hillary started her entrepreneurial career mainly focusing on conversational design...
- Episode#206 - My Little Therapy SessionI dig deep into how sometimes it might be hard for the people in your life to fully understand what it is like to be a starting entrepreneur. In the project updates, I speak about being told off by an IH...
- Episode#205 - Interviewing Ana who Had a $4M business but Burned OutAna Bibikova was born in Russia but spent her teenage years in India where she started to explore her first entrepreneurial projects. After that, together with a couple of older partners, founded a marketing...
- Episode#204 - I Am Back To Burning My SavingsThis is the last month of my unemployment money and from now on I am living entirely from my savings. I will also give you an update on my projects and speak about how it seems that my marketing strategy is...
- Episode#203 - Interviewing Clo about UX Researching & Digital WellnessIn 2016, Clo quit her job and built her freelancing career in a new field: UX Research! She will tell us about the process of learning something new and setting up her own company. Clo is also passionate...
- Episode#202 - I am finally speaking about NFTsIn today's episode, I will tell you what I have learned recently about NFTs and how they might be a good alternative to ads monetization. I will also give you an update on our ongoing WBE Lab (CollabClub) and...
- Episode#201 - Interviewing Jakob about His Academic Approach to BootstrappingJakob Greenfeld is a full-time bootstrapper that after finishing his PhD and working in academia for a couple of years decided to change things around in his career and learn how to be an entrepreneur. In our...
- Episode#200 - I Got Kicked Out Of My Own PodcastBeing a solopreneur doesn't mean you are alone. There are people who learn from you, admire you, give you advice and follow your example.In this special episode, Wolfy and Luise, two early members of the...
- Episode#199 - The Myth of Passive IncomeIs true passive income really achievable and what does it mean to build passive first? Those are the topics I will be speaking about in today's "tips and tricks" section at the end of the episode.I am also...
- Episode#198 - Interviewing Tim Stoddart about beating addiction and building SoberNationGrowing up, Tim was never a big fan of school and always felt a bit of social anxiety. Eventually, he ends up developing a problem with addiction but was able to overcome it after realizing the terrible...
- Episode#197 - Steady Growth VS Viral Growth 🚀I have been researching viral growth because I believe that it might be the key to faster initial growth for my business. I will share with you what I have learned so far. In this episode, I will also share...
- Episode#196 - Interviewing Michelle about Building VC funded Startups in PublicMichelle Marcelline is one of the few entrepreneurs out there that is building a VC-founded company in public. Today she will tell the story of how she, together with 5 co-founders quit their jobs to take...
- Episode#195 - Finding my Product's Value PropositionI am A/B Testing my landing pages with the sole purpose of increasing their conversion and in this episode, I will share with you how I used SplitBee to set it up. I also want to speak about the WBE Space,...
- Episode#194 - Interviewing Marc LG about PowerImporter and his Recipe for SuccessMarc (aka @JudoHacker) started his bootstrapping journey 11 years ago and since then he has built many projects. He ends up finding success with PowerImporter, a NoCode tool that allows users to easily update...
- Episode#193 - The Three Part Bootstrapper's GuideToday I will speak about the three important areas that an entrepreneur has to focus on to build her/his company: Marketing, Product, and Business. I will also give you an update on my indie office's launch...
- Episode#192 - Interviewing Kevon about becoming a build in public expertKevon speaks about how he learned to build in public and grow his Twitter audience. He has now a successful course and many happy students. We will also speak about Kevon's upbringing, living in multiple...
- Episode#191 - Do I Need to Start Looking for a Job?As an extrovert myself it is been a challenge to be a solopreneur and I am starting to miss having a team to share the challenges and victories. In today's episodes, I will also update you in my projects...
- Episode#190 - Interviewing Giordano about History and YoutubeGiordano Nanni, the founder of The Juice Media speaks about his interest in history and the journey of building the successful youtube channel that has more than 800K subscribers. Giordano has a Ph.D. in...
- Episode#189 - What Happens when a Solo Founder Gets Covid-19I tested positive for COVID-19 which means that I will have to rest and can not work for a few days. How will this affect my business? Can I afford to stop? Those are the questions that I will be answering in...
- Episode#188 - Interviewing Olu about Investment Banking and BootstrappingAfter 15 years working in investment banking, Olu decided to quit his job and pursue an entrepreneurial career by bootstrapping his own companies. In our chat, Olu shares what was like to work in the...
- Episode#187 - Can Communities Build Products?Our community of bootstrappers is joining forces to build a product together in one month. I will tell you how we are organizing a totally remote team from all over the world to work asynchronously. I will...
- Episode#186 - Interviewing Luca about Automating Twitter DMsLuca is a software developer that has already sold one side project to a bigger company and is now building Hivoe, which is a tool that automates your Twitter direct messages. Luca is also a member of our WBE...
- Episode#185 - How to prepare for a Pieter Levels InterviewListen to how I prepared for my interview with Pieter Levels, what happened off the record, and some of my thoughts on what we talked about. I will also tell you the story of my first exit meeting with a...
- Episode#184 - Interviewing Pieter Levels about his Success and Indie LifestyleListen to Pieter Levels speak about his upbringing and what motivated him to become an entrepreneur. In this interview, we also try to pin down certain personal characteristics that contributed to Pieter's...
- Episode#183 - Getting Pieter Levels on the ShowPieter Levels agreed to join me for a WBE interview. In this episode, I will tell you the story of how I was able to get him on board and how I am preparing for the interview. I will also speak about my first...
- Episode#182 - Interviewing Xavier Coiffard about Building Six Products in Six MonthsXavier Coiffard is a French indie hacker that built six products in six consecutive months. In today's interview, Xavier will tell us how he built which of these six products and the important lessons he has...
- Episode#181 - The Ugliest Entrepreneurial EmotionIn today's episode, I will speak about feeling jealous of other entrepreneurs and how the survival bias can make you feel that everyone is succeeding but you. I will also tell you about my first sales pitch...
- Episode#180 - Interviewing Olivia about Mental Health for EntrepreneursIn this episode hear from the performance and confidence coach, Olivia James about how entrepreneurs and bootstrappers can keep a healthy mind.We spoke about important topics like impostor syndrome, how to...
- Episode#179 - Unplug Your Brain!In today's episode, I will chat about what kind of activities help me disconnect from my business. I will also reflect on the year 2021 and speak about the perks of having a podcast.At the end of the episode,...
- Episode#178 - Interviewing Anthony Castrio who founded Indie WorldwideInterview with Anthony Castrio about the journey of building the Indie Worldwide community and his personal entrepreneurial background and nomad lifestyle.Episode Links:Anthony's TwitterIndie Worldwide...
- Episode#177 - Indie Hackers Top Page!In this episode, I will give you an update on how my experience with free trials periods worked out and why I had to stop it. We will also speak about indie hackers as a source of traffic and how a post about...
- Episode#176 - Interviewing Alex Friedman about Burnout and FounderGigsListen to Alex Friedman's interview where she openly speaks about entrepreneurial anxiety and burnout and teaches some tips on how to avoid it. Alex will also speak about her journey building Foundergigs and...
- Episode#175 - Trial Periods... Are they really worth it?I implemented a trial period to access the WBE space and want to share with you what I have learned from it. I will also speak about why networking is so important and speak about a great example that...
- Episode#174 - Interviewing Roberto Robles about SEO for Indie MakersMy guest today in the show is Roberto Robles (aka @robertodigitail_).Roberto has his own SEO agency and has been working in this field for 15 years already. Today he will share tips and tricks that small...
- Episode#173 - A Good Marketing PlanIn this episode, I will share with you the marketing plan that resulted in the successful launch of my interview with Cassidy Williams (aka @cassidoo) that has broken every wbe record to the date!I will give...
- Episode#172 - Interviewing Cassidoo about finding her perfect jobCassidy Williams (aka @cassidoo) is a software developer with an impressive resume. She has worked in more than six software companies and she has experienced it all: small companies, big companies, pure...
- Episode#171 - BurnoutIn today's episode, we will speak about burnout and how entrepreneurs have to always be aware of their mental health. I will also give you an update on my projects. Last week I have redesigned my landing page...
- Episode#170 - Interviewing Pierre about the best NoCode tools availableIn this episode, I am interviewing Pierre Tillement. Pierre is a NoCode freelancer. Five years ago he stopped his MBA to put his full focus on building his Startup, only using NoCode tools. After building a...
- Episode#169 - How did I end up building a community?In today's episode, I will mostly speak about the wbe space and how my entrepreneur journey started with a climate change app and ended up with a virtual co-working space for bootstrappers. I will also share...
- Episode#168 - Interviewing Lucie about art, logo design and co-founding LogologyIn this wbe episode, I am interviewing Lucie Baratte.Lucie is a graphic designer, specializing in visual identity, logo, and brand design. She is also the co-founder of this interview, we will...
- Episode#167 - Meme MarketingWelcome to episode 167 of the WBE podcast and it is a very exciting one, filled with emotions and valuable lessons. In this podcast I will speak about:Being unable to disconnect from work and what are the...
- Episode#166 - Interviewing Alessandra about how to build products for communitiesToday I am chatting with Alessandra Scicchitano. Alessandra started her career as a researcher in computer science and then worked as a software engineer. Since she wanted to increase her impact in the...
- Episode#165 - I was blessed by the community gods!In this wbe freestyle episode I will speak about:My successful rebranding brought 9 new members in the last 15 daysOur first community event and how the pressure of doing a good job is slowly getting to...
- Episode#164 - Interviewing Arvid Kahl about building in public and bootstrappingIn this episode, I am having a lovely chat with the build in public expert Arvid Kahl (@arvidkahl), who is a software engineer, entrepreneur, and writer. He co-founded and bootstrapped FeedbackPanda, an...
- Episode#163 - This is the best podcast in the world!!In today's episode, I will cover a big variety of cool topics:Starting from the ups and downs of being a bootstrapper and the mindset lesson I took from a coffee shop owner. Then I will speak about how...
- Episode#162 - Interviewing Shulhi about tips and tricks to work fully remoteIn this episode, I am interviewing Shulhi who has been working fully remote for more than 6 years with a 12 hours difference from his colleagues. We will cover a lot of important topics for people that are...
- Episode#161 - A Virtual Co-Working Space For BootstrappersIn this episode I am speaking about:Introducing the new podcast members to the community.Importance of listening to what your users and community have to say about your project.Being embaraced and not knowing...
- Episode#160 - Interviewing Kavya who quit her job to build a pro resume builderIn this episode, I am chatting with Kavya. After working on big corporations and small startups, Kavya, together with her husband, decided to follow their passion and build their own company. They built...
- Episode#159 - The Boostrapper ParalysisSummaryToday it starts the beginning of a new podcast format, the Wannabe Entrepreneur Show (WBE Show). Instead of daily releases, I will be released twice a week.In today's show, I will introduce the new...
- Episode#158 - Interviewing Abdulmohsen about how to build and sell a beautiful tableMy guest in today's show is the entrepreneur Abdulmohsen the founder of OneBase. He will be sharing his 4 years long bootstrapping journey designing and manufacturing his dream table. Getting married and...
- Episode#157 - Starting from next week things will changeIn this episode, I am announcing the new format of this podcast that will start next week. I have listened to your feedback and thought about it a lot and I am finally ready to share my conclusions with...
- Episode#156 - This will be my last Changeit feature in a whileI was finally able to finish the notification feature I was working on for my climate change app changeit. I am super excited about it and I am talking about it in this episode together with some learnings I...
- Episode#155 - Another Exciting Changeit FeatureI am working on a very exciting new feature in my react native-based app (changeit). In this episode, I will speak about this feature with you and what problems will this solve.Join our discord community:...
- Episode#154 - I should reduce to two episodes per weekThe number of listeners of this podcast has stagnated for a couple of months now I don't know what I can do to improve it. I am thinking that reducing the number of episodes might give me the opportunity to...
- Episode#153 - AnxietyI am working really hard on my projects but making close to no money. This brings moments of a lot of anxiety especially when I know I have rent to pay... Today I am sharing those feelings as they were...
- Episode#152 - Interviewing Aleksandra about Marketing for BootstrappersIn this episode, I am interviewing Aleksandra, she is passionate about building products, brands, and communities with 10 years of experience in startups, marketing, branding, project, and event management.In...
- Episode#151 - Asking for feedback for my new websiteThe official Wannabe Entrepreneur Website is live and yesterday I shared it with the world and asked for feedback. In this episode, I will go through the feedback and let you know what I was able to adapt.Buy...
- Episode#150 - The Official Wannabe Entrepreneur Website is Live!The official Wannabe Entrepreneur website is live!In today's episode, I am going to teach you how to deploy your website using Netlify for free. I was also able to create an automatic way to generate a static...
- Episode#149 - How to Build a Website for a PodcastToday I am taking you along in my journey building my Wannabe Entrepreneur Website. It's a little build in a public edition that will teach you how to build a website using Hugo.Follow the Twitter thread...
- Episode#148 - New Changeit Release!Today I will be sharing with you some details about the newest changeit release that promises to make the app more social. The idea is to increase organic growth but there is still a lot of work ahead!Buy me...
- Episode#147 - Did I keep my unemployment money in Portugal??Another update episode for you. I am giving you an update on what will happen to the German unemployment money now that I am in Portugal, I will also speak about where I stand regarding the Web Summit, and...
- Episode#146 - Interviewing Dagobert about bootstrapping LogologyToday I am sharing with you a great conversation I had with Dagobert. He started his entrepreneur career since he was 16 building video games and soon after disrupted the French Idol with his website....
- Episode#145 - I got accept in the Web Summit LisbonToday I have a chilled episode for you with a couple of updates in my projects including in the Web Summit Saga. I really need your opinion:Shall I invest 1000 euros to participate in the conference?Answer...
- Episode#144 - Pitching Changeit to join the Web Summit Lisbon (Version 2)The Web Summit is said to be one of the biggest Tech companies in the world and is happening in my new home, Lisbon! I could not lose the chance to show Changeit (my climate change app) to the world! Please...
- Episode#143 - Interviewing Isaac and Wei Li founders of TinyaskIsaac and Wei Li quit their jobs to bootstrap a disruptive company called Tinyask uses audio and small communities to help people navigate through uncommon careers (like being an entrepreneur). In...
- Episode#142 - We have an idea to help podcastersWelcome to today's episode and I wish you a great Podcast day! In today's episode, I will be sharing an idea that Abhi and I have been cooking that we believe will help the podcasters engage with their...
- Episode#141 - It's hard to say goodbye to the expat lifeAfter living in Germany for 6 years I am leaving and returning to my country, Portugal. I have lived all my adult life here and I am feeling quite nostalgic about leaving it behind. That's the topic of...
- Episode#140 - My work is my priority right now!It's been almost 4 months since I resign from my paying job and since then that I have been putting work as my first priority but this week I can't do it anymore, I will tell you why in this episode and also...
- Episode#139 - Is there a better way to make money as a Podcaster?Most podcasters and content creators, in general, make money with ads, but is there a better way? In today's episode, I will explore what other options are there and will announce my new monetization...
- Episode#138 - Not everything you see on Twitter is true!When browsing through Twitter I always tend to compare myself with these super successful Twitter influencers, always giving great advice and show their success. It turns out (surprise, surprise!) they are...
- Episode#137 - A window to another realityHow cool is it that with a click of a button we can just teleport ourselves to a completely different reality, speak with people from all over the world and show them our businesses? That's the topic of...
- Episode#136 - Interviewing Derrick about how to start a podcast agencyToday I am chatting with Derrick Michaud who left his job as a professional musician to start his own Podcast Agency called Shelby Row Productions. In this talk, we will learn more about Derrick's life as a...
- Episode#135 - Reviewing #buildinpublic apps with a professional web designerToday I am here with Stephnie, she is a web project manager and designer and will be helping me reviewing 3 build in public websites. Steph will share great web design tips that will help the listeners build...
- Episode#134 - More and more Changeit partnerships are comingToday I will speak about my climate change app changeit and some great partnerships that are coming. I will be available in the chat.Do you want to support the podcast?
- Episode#133 - No more daily episodes... Sorry :/It was a hard decision and to be honest I did not start this episode knowing that it would end like this but I think that in the end is a good decision. I really appreciate the ones that listen to me every...
- Episode#132 - Cool New Twitter FeaturesToday I am speaking about the most recent amazing features released by Twitter that are making it an amazing social network and putting it back on the map.There is a nice summary with all the features I...
- Episode#131 - Interviewing the Codeprints team about making art for developersToday I am chatting with the team that built, a platform that allows you to convert your GitHub history into a beautiful art piece.We are really getting into the nerdy stuff, understanding...
- Episode#130 - My first Changeit partnership? Could it be?Today I had a great conversation with the founder of Circular Berlin an NGO that is trying to support circular economy-related projects in Berlin. We had a great chat and discussed possible...
- Episode#129 - Thank you for the visit (3D experience)Today you are coming to my house in Germany, drink a glass of wine and listen to my worries live (or almost live). Make sure to use headphones for this one ;)Buy me a coffee:...
- Episode#128 - I paid Ionut to grow my Twitter communityToday I am chatting with Ionut. He is a student and for the past 10 days has been helping me grow my changeit Twitter community. In these 10 days, he was able to get about 100 new followers and a lot of...
- Episode#127 - Brainstorming About Diversity and Monetisation Ideas With WolfyToday I am bouncing ideas with my entrepreneur friend Wolfy about how can I monetize the Wannabe Entrepreneur community. In our conversation, we also speak about diversity in tech companies and why is...
- Episode#126 - I am trying the audience first approachToday I am going back to the two most important things I learned from Tibo's interview (episode 122), I will explain why I think they are soo interesting and I am even trying to build an audience around...
- Episode#125 - Building features with the changeit communityThe changeit discord community has been growing and now all my new features go through the approval of the community before I even start working on them. I asked about how to increase my organic growth and...
- Episode#124 - Looking for purpose? Go work in a startup!I worked both in a big tech company and in a startup. Both have their perks but if you are looking for a purpose I really think you should work in a startup and in this episode I will tell you why! Buy me a...
- Episode#123 - What's your edge?Your edge, your unfair advantage, what makes you stand out from a crowd. A lot of us normally try to fit in and hide our geeky passions, our little quirks, etc... Today's episode is about how we should use...
- Episode#122 - Interviewing Tibo about Founding Tweethunter and Other ProductsToday I am chatting with Thibault (aka Tibo). He is a serial entrepreneur that has sold 2 startups and is currently building Tweethunter, a company that helps creators grow their audience on Twitter. Tibo...
- Episode#121 - Reviewing 4 amazing build in public projectsWe are back with another great review of 4 amazing build in public projects. I hope you enjoy it if you you do please consider support this podcast here: About the...
- Episode#120 - Introducing Changeit Tribes!Today I want to speak about the new feature I am developing for changeit and why I think it will help me with increasing retention and organic growth! Shoot me a message on twitter:...
- Episode#119 - A Guide For Wannabe EntrepreneursThis episode is a guide for all starting entrepreneurs. I gathered all the main entrepreneurial lessons I have learned from my projects and by talking with other entrepreneurs (many of them in the wannabe...
- Episode#118 - Twitter Ads - Worth the money?I experimented a bit with Twitter ads and want to share with you what I found. My ultimate twitter guide: Support this podcast:...
- Episode#117 - A Guide for All the New ListenersI know a lot of you are new listeners and might be a bit lost in the middle of more than 100 episodes so today I will give you a list of the top 10 episodes of my podcast that I think you will like to listen...
- Episode#116 - I am leaving Germany!Today's episode hits closer to my heart. I can not believe that this is my last month in Germany and this is my way to put my mind to terms with it... I hope you like it... Support this podcast:...
- Episode#115 - Interviewing Eva who is Making Clothes for Girls with Astronauts and TrucksToday I am talking with Eva Parth dos Santos, the founder of Mint Girls, which is a company that is making sustainable clothes with astronauts, robots, and trucks. We speak about her first successful business...
- Episode#114 - The true challenge of an EntrepreneurHey everyone. Today I am introducing this podcast once again to the listeners and sharing with you something I have been realising since I started this journey. Buy me a coffee:...
- Episode#113 - Reviewing 3 Build In Public AppsToday, my developer friend Abhishek and I are going through 3 apps from creators that are building their projects in public and give our honest feedback and review. I hope you enjoy it! Listen to the...
- Episode#112 - Code AnxietyCoding is painful and I will explain why in this episode. Also I am looking for gamification ideas for changeit. Buy me a coffee: Download Changeit:...
- Episode#111 - Startup in India VS Startup in GermanyToday I am having a chat with my friend Abhishek. He is a developer that came from India to work at trivago. Today we are comparing my experience working for a startup in Germany in comparison with his...
- Episode#110 - New Changeit Logo!!We are back to changeit and today I am excited to share with you that I am making another release. I will talk about the new features and how I was able to fix a problem that was costing me money. Become...
- Episode#109 - Why the title Wannabe Entrepreneur?Today I bring you a short episode about how I came up with the title Wannabe Entrepreneur and why haven't I changed it even though it might have a not so good connotation.Buy me a coffee:...
- Episode#108 - Interviewing Miguel Ribeiro about his exciting startup SheerMEToday I am chatting with the experienced entrepreneur Miguel Ribeiro. He is the founder of SheerME, a Portuguese startup that helps you find and Book the best Wellness, Beauty and Fitness services in your...
- Episode#107 - The dark side of twitterHey Wannabes, I was able to get more than 70 new followers on Twitter in just 7 days. I will talk about what techniques work the best and also about how I started feeling addicted to the platform. Guide to...
- Episode#106 - My DIY Sound BoothToday I built my own sound booth with a carton box and styrofoam and I want you to see the difference that the styrofoam makes to the sound. Besides that today we have the first listener message. Send me a...
- Episode#105 - There is so much to talk about...Sorry for the long episode today. I just had a lot to talk about. Too many thoughts in my head... I am speaking about changeit, my podcast and more. Buy me a coffee:...
- Episode#104 - A day in a life of an entrepreneurToday I bring you a different type of episode. I tried to portrait my day by recording myself during the day. Let me know what you think of it. Support the podcast:...
- Episode#103 - Brain overload! Please close some windows...I notice that with everything that is occupying my mind project-related I am failing to make simple personal life decisions... Support: Twitter:...
- Episode#102 - Interviewing Cristi who dreamed about his company since 10 years oldToday I am chatting with Cristian Sandu. We worked together at Weekend and have been speaking about entrepreneurship ever since. He started his company at 20 years old but it only really started to grow 3...
- Episode#101 - How to get followers on twitter?I have been using twitter to grow my podcast user base and find out a way to get new followers and learn more about my passion at the same time. Follow us on Twitter: Pitch...
- Episode#100 - Happy 100th episode day!Happy 100th episode to you!! It's crazy to think that it's been 100 days since this journey started. Today I will announce if I will continue with my daily releases or if I will reduce a little bit how often...
- Episode#99 - Hustle with patience it's harder than it soundsI follow Mustafa on twitter and he has recently tweeted something that made me stop and think: "Hustle, but with patience". It's such a simple concept but a huge challenge to achieve. That's the topic of...
- Episode#98 - Turn off your autopilotToday's episode is a philosophical one... Is about taking time to think about what we want in life! I don't do ads so if you like this podcast support it here: Check out...
- Episode# 97 - Darker Thoughts...Today I will open my heart and speak about some darker thoughts that pop up in my head. Hope you like it...Support this podcast here: blog post:...
- Episode#96 - Bike your way out of your businessToday I will speak a bit of everything but mostly about what I will be focusing on in terms of marketing for both changeit and this podcast. Buy me a coffee: Shoot me a...
- Episode#95 - How to build a webstore in 2021After being asked by my father several times to build him a store for his business I finally got the time to do it. Today I will be talking about the tools I investigate before starting and the pros and cons...
- Episode#94 - Interviewing Florian a serial entrepreneur that is the face of the Seawolves youtube channelToday I am chatting with Florian Rooz. He is a serial entrepreneur that has already built many cool projects and he is also the host of the SeaWolves youtube channel that follows the world of pro racing...
- Episode#93 - I will probably stop my daily podcast...I love talking to you on a daily basis but I also realize that is very hard to keep good and interesting content. Today I need your help figuring out if I should continue releasing daily or if it would be...
- Episode#92 - Reacting to a tweet about startupsToday I want to do something more mainstream. I will be reacting to some of the answers to an interesting tweet about startups. Relevant links: * Today's tweet:...
- Episode#91 - let's go podcast team!!This episode is about nothing in particular. Just a couple ways on how we can make this community grow! Wannabe entrepreneur twitter account: My email:...
- Episode#90 - Trying to hack HackernewsI hate marketing and the thought that I can just share a link of my projects and immediately get thousands of users is very tempting. So I tried to hack hackernews and try to get my links trending. Listen to...
- Episode#89 - Did I just screw up my first changeit interview?I had a chat with Mitch from earth911 podcast and let's just say that I much rather be the interviewer than the interviewee. Soo much pressure not to screw up! haha Listen to the episode to learn more about...
- Episode#88 - Does design matter?On the 9th of July, I released a new version of changeit with a complete, more professional design. Today I am going through my analytics to try to figure what was the impact of such a redesign. Relevant...
- Episode#87 - Interviewing Steph Taylor whose Podcast has more than 1M DownloadsToday I am chatting with Steph Taylor about her marketing podcast called Socialette. She is a business launch strategist and a successful entrepreneur. It was great to hear the story behind hey podcast that...
- Episode#86 - I almost bought a boatI found a boat online and met the owner yesterday to see the boat with my own eyes. It's definitely a dream for me and today I will speak about why I think that buying it might be a good business... Please...
- Episode#85 - How to deal with family vacations as an entrepreneurMy week of vacation with my family has started and this means that there is some extra logistics to take care of. Relevant links: * Become a podcast supporter: *...
- Episode#84 - How I am creating communities around my businessesI created a discord channel for changeit and a slack channel for Wannabe Entrepreneur. Today I want to speak about my experience with communities and how they are growing. Become a Wannabe Entrepreneur...
- Episode#83 - How to make sure your next airbnb has good internet?I asked the Reddit Digital Nomad community how do they make sure their Airbnb has a good, reliable internet connection and got super interesting and useful tips. Relevant links: * Summary of these tips:...
- Episode#82 - Interviewing Anjali and Michael that live in a van but are dreaming with a catamaranToday I had a chat with a lovely couple Michael and Anjali. They were my colleagues at trivago and end up quitting their job to live full time in a van having the dream to one day upgrade to a catamaran. They...
- Episode#81 - Wannabe Entrepreneur Slack ChannelI created a slack channel for all Wannabe Entrepreneur members together with all the people I interviewed in the podcast. I am super excited to be part of this community. Become a member and join our slack:...
- Episode#80 - UTMs, SEO and other nerdy stuffHey People. This episode was inspired by an email from a listener that brought my attention to the world of SEO and tracking codes. That's what I am talking about today... Relevant links: * UTM and SEO...
- Episode#79 - How my setup evolved since I started a daily podcastIt's been almost 80 episodes since I have first started this project and today I want to speak a bit about how my podcast setup evolved since the beginning and the top things I have learned to make sure I am...
- Episode#78 - After 2 months of work the product clicks are finally increasingFor the past months, I have been focusing on increasing the click ratio in the ecostore products of my app changeit. It took a lot of experimenting and trial and error but I was finally able to reach the...
- Episode#77 - I am not self-confident I am just tough!Today's episode is about this podcast and what I am trying out to increase the number of listeners. Hope you like it. Relevant links: * The design tool Canva: * Support this podcast:...
- Episode#76 - I spent 150 euros in a sponsored blog post. Was it worth it?10 days ago I spent 150 euros on a sponsored blog post in a sustainability blog but it being published I was not getting any traffic. What actually happened? blog post:...
- Episode#75 - Interviewing Cody who moved across the country for his fulfilment businessToday I am interviewing Cody Howell that together with his wife is building a fulfillment center business that is already making 100K per year of revenue. In this conversation, Cody will share more about his...
- Episode#74 - 3 projects I have started and terminatedIn today's episode, I take a ride down memory lane and revisit some of the projects I have started and terminated. It was fun to remember those times and I was even able to fetch a couple of screenshots of my...
- Episode#73 - My top 5 favourite startup podcastsHey Peeps. Today I will be sharing with you my favorite startup-related podcasts. I have learned so much from them and I am super excited to share them with you. List of podcasts:...
- Episode#72 - Learning how to cope with failureI believe that learning how to cope with failure with possibly the hardest thing you can do as an entrepreneur listen to this episode to understand my thoughts about this. I will be also speaking about a new...
- Episode#71 - I need your help!In this episode, I am sharing the three things you can do to help me grow the Wannabe Entrepreneur community. Contribute: Become a member/contributor: Share: Share...
- Episode#70 - I am spiraling...Hey Entrepreneurs. Today I want to speak about how sometimes is really hard to disconnect and relax and I will share a couple of tips that I use to force myself out of these spiraling thoughts... Support this...
- Episode#69 - Let's go through my hate commentsToday I decided to share with you some of the hate comments I got since I started sharing my projects with the world. They are not too bad but I think that is important to share my experience since it's part...
- Episode#68 - Interviewing Michael and Chloe who were able to grow their travel blog to a solid source of incomeToday I bring you a great conversation I had with Chloe and Michael. They are a couple that quit their job to pursue their dream lifestyle of adventures and sustainable traveling. We will be speaking about...
- Episode#67 - I got a phone call from the unemployment centerToday I will share with you some bits of the call I got with the unemployment center in Germany and also give a status update on changeit. Do you have ideas to introduce gamification in changeit? Share them...
- Episode#66 - It's sad but I am applying for jobs!Today I started applying for jobs again and I will explain why in this episode. Relevant links: * My view while recording this podcast: * Become...
- Episode#65 - Sailing with a youtuber in AmsterdamHey Peeps. Today I am going to talk about my sailing experience this weekend and give you an update on how things are going with the podcast and my new changeit release. Relevant links: * Say Hi on Twitter:...
- Episode#64 - Changeit App Tech StackToday I bring you a more geeky episode for those who are passionate about Software Developing or want to learn more. I will be describing the tools and tech that I use to develop my climate change app,...
- Episode#63 - How did my last changeit release perform?It has been 20 days since my latest release and I finally got the time to sit down and look through the metrics. Did my bet work out? Listen to see. Here are the graphs I speak about in this episode:...
- Episode#62 - Reach out to companies and mentors. Just do it!Do not be afraid to send a DM to a company or person you think can help you out. That's the topic I will be speaking about in this episode together with my personal strategy. Here are my most successful...
- Episode#61 - Speaking with Wolfgang about when to terminate a projectI had a nice chat with my friend Wolfgang (aka Wolfy) and we tried to come up with good thumb rules to better decide when to terminate a project. Wolfgang Projects: * Codeprints: *...
- Episode#60 - I made 3 euros in June. Is Changeit a profitable company?Another month has passed and it is time to check the numbers of the month of June. I realized that for the first time I made more money than what I have spent, a whopping 3 euros! Relevant links: Changeit...
- Episode#59 - Short update about changeit's designI have a short but informative episode today about what I have been working on regarding my changeit app. Relevant Links: My current setup: New...
- Episode#58 - Focus on your most passionate usersToday I am giving you some stats about this podcast and want to share a story that shows how important is to listen and include your most passionate users in your product building process. Suggest ideas for...
- Episode#57 - My top favorite bootstrapping tools of all timeToday I am talking about my favorite tools that I use in every project I work on. Have a look on my post where I documented all the mentioned tools and where you can suggest your own:...
- Episode#56 - Drunk and embarrassed but still having fun!For the first time since I quit my job, I met my weekend colleagues and it was really nice to hang out with them but also felt a bit weird explaining what I am doing at the moment. That's the topic of today's...
- Episode#55 - Interviewing Iris Who Raised 1M For Her Sustainable Fashion AppToday I have a chat with Iris Skrami, the co-founder of Renoon, an up-an-coming sustainable fashion app that got the attention of multiple investors, having raised 1M euros in the seed round. We spoke about...
- Episode#54 - The time is now. Should I go all in?After an eye-opening conversation with my friend SJ, I start to wonder if I need to invest more money to find the success I am looking for. This podcast is not free! I follow the "pay what you think is worth...
- Episode#53 - Android vs IOS - My experience releasing my app in the stores!Today I am speaking about my experience releasing Changeit both in IOS and Android stores. I will be talking about prices, the review process, and how to collect reviews. Relevant Links: Become a Wannabe...
- Episode#52 - What the hell am I doing with my savings?I am spending my savings trying to live out of my side projects and I can not help but wonder if I am making the right call. That's what I reflect on in today's episode. Relevant links: Yesterday's...
- Episode#51 - If you were building changeit. How would you solve this?Today I want to try something different and ask for your help to solve a problem that I don't know how to solve in my changeit project. Give your ideas here:...
- Episode#50 - Interviewing The Bread Code who has one of the most successful baking youtube channels in GermanyToday I am speaking with my good friend Hendrik who is a serial entrepreneur and has a lot of experience in kickstarting new projects. We will be talking about his most recent project, a youtube channel...
- Episode#49 - Tips and tricks for a successful Kickstarter campaignIn today's episode, I will speak about why I think creating a kickstarter campaign is a great way to train multiple entrepreneurial skills and I will share what I have learned from my own campaign Relevant...
- Episode#48 - From full time bloggers to nude photographers. Welcome to Berlin!!!Today I am sharing my opinion about the city of Berlin. There are many positive and interesting aspects and others that are not so good. Btw if you like my work and think it's worth something you can buy me a...
- Episode#47 - Collecting feedback from my friendsI asked my friend Abhi to provide me feedback about the latest Changeit release and I finally figure out what to focus on next. Support this podcast: Emotional...
- Episode#46 - Interviewing The Sailing Frenchman who has the ambition to sail around the worldI have been following Hugo's youtube channel from the beginning and it was a true pleasure to chat with him about his journey. Hugo will tell us about how he grew his youtube channel and how he was able to...
- Episode#45 - How can I make Changeit better?It's always the same, my expectations get too high after a release, and then when the metrics do not follow my expectations I get demotivated and a bit lost regarding the next steps. That's the topic of...
- Episode#44 - Interviewing Busra who treats her career as her own startupToday I am chatting with Busra. She is a passionate software developer that has been collecting great stories about her career and sharing them in conferences and her blog. She treats her career as her own...
- Episode#43 - New Changeit Release!Today is all about changeit. The new release is out! I will first take you through my monthly report and then describe the reasoning behind the new changeit features. Relevant links: * Changeit metrics...
- Episode#42 - I am producing a music albumToday I am speaking about my quarantine project. Probably, everyone has one, and mine was producing my first music album. If you want to listen to it checkout tiagorbf on Spotify or visit the website:...
- Episode#41 - Interviewing João Amaro that brought cookie dough to PortugalJoão Amaro is back to the show, and today he will be speaking about the company that came after Herbpack. He will be speaking about the crazy adventure that was to bootstrap his food business and what he and...
- Episode#40 - This podcast is giving me weird dreamsToday I am speaking about a dream I had related to this podcast and the fear of disappointing the listeners. Also, the new changeit release is almost ready and I am excited about the feedback. Disclaimer:...
- Episode#39 - Here is how I organize my new project ideasToday I want to share with you the process I recently came up with to better organize every new idea I have. Hope it helps! I shared a couple of screenshots of my idea board in the buymeacoffee tool so if you...
- Episode#38 - Got my first donationGreat news! I got my first donation for this podcast today through changeit donation page which motivated me to set up my first contribution page. And I asked my friend Sven to test it. If you want to check...
- Episode#37 - Interviewing João Amaro that started his first company in his teensToday I am speaking with an old entrepreneur friend. João founded his first company, Herbpack, when he was 18 years old and he has been founding companies ever since. In this interview, he will be speaking...
- Episode#36 - What problem is this podcast solving?Today I am talking about a multitude of topics. Starting about complaining about bad internet, moving to what problem is this podcast solving, and finishing by speaking about how I miss hanging out with...
- Episode#35 - Working on SundaysWhy do we rest on weekends and work on weekdays? Who decided this? Being my own boss means I can decide when I want to work and when I want to chill.
- Episode#34 - What if I could make money from this podcast?Hey. Today I bring you a general update on multiple topics. I also have been spending more time thinking about this podcast and if it can actually become a source of income for me. If I set up a patreon or a...
- Episode#33 - How I get new usersToday I am talking about how I am getting new users for my app, changeit. I speak about both the paid and non-paid approaches. If you want to learn more about my app check it out here:...
- Episode#32 - Interviewing Giuseppe that is on a unique startup journey to innovate business cardsToday I am chatting with Giuseppe Milazzo. He is the Founder of Contapp, an innovative business tool app that digitalizes business cards and simplifies contact management. With a background in marketing and...
- Episode#31 - To the mooooonnnn!We reached 1k plays in this episode so let's talk about that and why I love and hate coding
- Episode#30 - Beer, Coffee and a Storm!Today I have a little reflection about how storms are important and unavoidable for any noob trying to become an expert in whatever field!
- Episode#29 - Interviewing Matthias whom started and finished a project in just 10 daysI am speaking with the side projects master, Matthias Endler. He is a software developer and an entrepreneur that has a lot of experience in bootstrapping new ideas. In this episode, he will be speaking about...
- Episode#28 - The simplest most useful product I ever createdToday I want to share with you the most simple and useful product I have ever created. Here is the link for the chrome plugin in case you want to try it out:...
- Episode#27 - One week of digital nomad lifestyleToday I want to speak about my experience after a week of trying to live the digital nomad lifestyle
- Episode#26 - Changeit is trending!Two very successful posts got me 1000 new users
- Episode#25 - Interviewing the man that quit his job to follow his passionIn today's episode, I am having a chat with my friend Wolfgang. His example of quitting his job to travel and follow his entrepreneurial passion was a big inspiration for me and a great motivation for my...
- Episode#24 - Let the new development cycle begin!I am ready to start coding again. I will share what features I will be focusing on and also a nice chat I had with another entrepreneur.
- Episode#23 - Creating DashboardsI am back to work and today I was focused on building a dashboard to understand how people interact with my eco store products
- Episode#22 - Low EnergyA low-energy day and existential doubts about my current strategy!
- Episode#21 - Super YachtsToday I am speaking about vacation hangover, superyachts, and unemployment money. Hope you like it! Relevant links: * Support this podcast: * Follow on twitter:...
- Episode#20 - Digital NomadRemote work? Is it good or bad? Today I share my thoughts about this type of work. I am also telling you about my one way ticket adventure.
- Episode#19 - End of the voyageLast day of our sailing trip and here are the crew final thoughts
- Episode#18 - Thoughts of a sailorNot a lot of news from my business but some thoughts about sailing.
- Episode#17 - My true colorsReflecting about bad bosses and how do I know I won't become one.
- Episode#16 - I am on a boatToday I wanna speak about vacation and how I wish being an entrepreneur would give me more freedom to control my time.
- Episode#15 - Let's dive deep into the affiliate modelToday I want to share a bit more in detail how we use the affiliate model in Changeit and what are our real numbers! Relevant links: * Support this podcast: * Follow on...
- Episode#14 - What's your inner WHY?Today I speak about a book that changed my life, "Start with Why" by Simon Sinek. I want to describe how I used this book to help me decide between ideas I want to work on and ideas I do not want to work...
- Episode#13 - Changeit Business ModelsFinally, I am ready to speak about the different business models I considered for changeit and which I am pursuing at the moment.
- Episode#12 - Night ThoughtsIt's 1:30 am and I see myself thinking what does it take to scale my business to the next level
- Episode#11 - Calculating the unemployment risksToday I speak about what were my reasoning before deciding to take the leap
- Episode#10 - Emotional RollercoasterBuilding your own side project or business is like riding an emotional rollercoaster filled with ups and downs. Today I am feeling a bit more on the downside and I will explain why
- Episode#9 - There is no planet B!Today I reflect on climate change and the responsibility that we Human beings have in controlling its consequences. Relevant links: * Changeit website: * Support this podcast:...
- Episode#8 - I have an attention problem!I can not spend one hour in front of the computer without checking social media! I need them likes! It's annoying and I need to stop. That's today episode!
- Episode#7 - I need QA!A nasty undetected bug was preventing users to open the link in some of changeit notifications! Today I reflect on the role of QA (Quality Assurance).
- Episode#6 - Feedback, Feedback, Feedback!In this episode, I will share a couple of techniques on how I collect my user's feedback and what main metrics I am focusing now at changeit.
- Episode#5 - What problem am I solving?Today I will explore a bit the first step of starting any new project: Finding a problem you want to fix! I will share a bit about what problem am I trying to fix with changeit.
- Episode#4 - No more benefits!This is a short one exploring the things that I am missing as a wanna be entrepreneur that were a given when I was working for a company. Relevant links: * Changeit website: * Support...
- Episode#3 - Early PressureI quit my job no longer than 2 weeks ago and I am already feeling the pressure of being able to generate an income. Why aren't the users increasing? In this episode, I explore those feelings and speak about...
- Episode#2 - What am I actually building?In this episode I speak about my first side project (nasal filters) and my most recent project (changeit a climate change app). Relevant links: * Changeit website: * Support this...
- Episode#1 - PilotThis is the first episode of my podcast wannabe entrepreneur. It's a daily short podcast where I will speak about my journey on trying to live out of my side projects. Disclaimer: I don't want to use your...
- EpisodeWannabe Entrepreneur (Trailer)A new episode
- Episode#274 - I Am Finally Confronting My Co-Founder (Real Conversation)Is it time to kill the Indie Lottery project? I sat down with my co-founder João Amaro to reflect on the project and to finally make a decision about its continuation. We had an honest conversation about the...
- Episode#208 - A Therapeutical Phone Call With DagobertAfter a not-so-good week, I called the Twitter legend, Dagobert for some bootstrapper advice and to get an update on his projects. We spoke about many topics that affect all bootstrappers and the lessons that...
- Episode#275 - I am Building an AI Powered Community (GPT-3)Can I give a real brain to my bots using GPT-3 API? I have started playing around with it and in this episode, I will talk about the first use cases. I will also share my experience with my first hire and...
- Episode#276 - Are Your Products Dragging You Down?Is the attachment to your product preventing you from achieving financial freedom? I have spent 1.5 years of my life working in the wbe community and I now wonder if I should have invested a little bit less...
- Episode#269 - Hiring My First EmployeeWhen should you make your first hire? For me was a combination of finding the right person for the job with filling in a very important role in the community (event organizer). I will also speak about the...
- Episode#275 - My GPT-3 Powered CommunityCan I give a real brain to my bots using GPT-3 API? I have started playing around with it and in this episode, I will talk about the first use cases. I will also share my experience with my first hire and...
- Episode#277 - My New Approach To Indie HackingAre you open to changing your mind? The most important skill to be a successful indie maker is to have a flexible and adaptive mind. We are always learning and we need to adapt fast. I decided to change my...
- Episode#278 - Interviewing Dagobert About His Successful Twitter CourseHow much money can one make from a course? In this episode, we will cover Dagobert's entire process for building and selling his successful Twitter course which has made 50K in only 3 months.Sponsor...
- Episode#279 - The One Product In One Week AdventureIn this episode, I will tell you about all the ups and downs while trying to build Podsqueze in the past week. Turns out that AI is not that smart after all.Sponsor Information (SocialJuice)Try SocialJuice...
- Episode#280 - Why Did I Cry Watching That Movie?How well do you know yourself? In today's episode, I will share some productivity tips I learned while indie hacking that help me keep a more stable mood across the whole journey. I will also share about an...
- Episode#280 - What Movies Make An Indie Maker Cry?How well do you know yourself? In today's episode, I will share some productivity tips I learned while indie hacking that help me keep a more stable mood across the whole journey. I will also share about an...
- Episode#281 - Never Launch A SaaS During Your Hollidays!I am visiting friends in Germany and at the same time releasing podsqueeze. I want to be present with my friends and partner but at the same time I don't want to disappoint my new clients.About The...
- Episode#280 - What Movies Make An Indie Hacker Cry?How well do you know yourself? In today's episode, I will share some productivity tips I learned while indie hacking that help me keep a more stable mood across the whole journey. I will also share about an...
- Episode#282 - We all live in a bubbleIn what bubble are you living? We all live in a bubble and it's hard for us to imagine other lifestyles. In Berlin people are more used to that. Today I will be exploring that topic. I will also share why we...
- Episode#283 - Can PodSqueeze be my Indie Unicorn?Can podsqueeze actually be the product that will pay me a good salary?In this episodes, I will share with you the incredible journey that my first SaaS is taking meTry PodSqueezeAbout The PodcastJoin The WBE...
- Episode#284 - The Rollercoaster Ride of Building a SaaS ProductHow can you build a successful SaaS product? As the founder of PodSqueeze, a SaaS product for podcasters, I am facing many challenges. One key lesson I've learned is the importance of solving a problem that...
- Episode#285 - Interviewing Tibo about taking his Indie Startup to a Million-Dollar AcquisitionHave you ever wondered what it takes to build a successful startup? Well, I am excited to share with you my conversation with Tibo, the founder of TweetHunter, a startup that sold for millions. I had the...
- Episode#286 - Doubling Podsqueeze's MRR in one week! Was it Luck or Hard Work?Today I'll be sharing updates and thoughts on my startup, PodSqueeze. Inspired by a documentary on Kurt Cobain, I reflect on the idea of risking everything and how it relates to entrepreneurship. I'll also...
- Episode#286 - Doubling Podsqueeze's MRR in one week! Is it Luck or Hard Work?Today I'll be sharing updates and thoughts on my startup, PodSqueeze. Inspired by a documentary on Kurt Cobain, I reflect on the idea of risking everything and how it relates to entrepreneurship. I'll also...
- Episode#286 - Doubling MRR in one week! Is it Luck or Hard Work?Today I'll be sharing updates and thoughts on my startup, PodSqueeze. Inspired by a documentary on Kurt Cobain, I reflect on the idea of risking everything and how it relates to entrepreneurship. I'll also...
- Episode#287 - Twitter's Unfair API Price - I Had to Call LucaHow is the increase in Twitter's API prices by Elon Musk affecting the indie community? In this podcast episode, I speak with Luca, the founder of Hivoe, who is currently facing the possibility of all his...
- Episode#286 - I doubled my MRR in one week!Today I'll be sharing updates and thoughts on my startup, PodSqueeze. Inspired by a documentary on Kurt Cobain, I reflect on the idea of risking everything and how it relates to entrepreneurship. I'll also...
- Episode#288 - Hey, have you heard about the power of ProductHunt?Have you ever wondered what it takes to launch a successful product on Product Hunt? Well, let me tell you about my experience with launching my own product, Podsqueeze. As the founder, I understand the...
- Episode#289 - Everything Is Changing And I Like ItHave you ever felt lost in your career journey, unsure of what job you truly love? In this episode, I share my personal journey through different jobs and how it led me to my current project, Podsqueeze. I...
- Episode#290 - Feels nice to be wantedWe have been negotiating many deals with potential partners and it seems that everyone wants to work with us :) I will walk you through two deals. The first is the whole process of negotiating better prices...
- Episode#290 -To AppSumo or Not to AppSumo. What shall we do?What should you consider when negotiating a deal? In this podcast episode, I share my experience playing football in Portugal and how owning a ball made me popular among my friends. I then dive into my...
- Episode#291 - I am taking the fight to a whole other levelHave you ever started something from scratch and worked your way up? As someone who practices Muay Thai, I can attest to the importance of gradual improvement in both martial arts and entrepreneurship. In...
- Episode#292 - The Good, The Bad, and The Spammy: My 2023 Cold Email GuideHave you ever wondered how technology and communication have evolved over the years? In this episode of "WBE Entrepreneur," I reflect on this topic and share my insights on the effectiveness of cold emailing....
- Episode#293 - Living Life on My Own TermsHave you ever felt like you're living life on someone else's terms? In this episode, I'll be discussing some important topics, including societal biases around gender roles, my journey as an indie hacker, and...
- Episode#294 - Can Millennials Really Accomplish Anything They Want?Have you ever wondered what the millennial generation is capable of achieving? In this episode of "The Wannabe Entrepreneur," I discuss the potential of millennials to accomplish great things and the...
- Episode#295 - Can I Build a Successful Company Only by Bootstrapping?Have you ever started a company and had to pay taxes? In this episode, I, Tiago, the host of "Wannabe Entrepreneur", share my personal experiences of setting up a company in Portugal. I talk about the...
- Episode#296 - We are getting on each other's nerves...Have you ever wondered if remote work is as productive as working from an office? In this podcast episode, I, Tiago, an indie hacker and entrepreneur, share my experience with remote work and the benefits of...
- Episode#297 - Interviewing Yossi and Simon About TinyKiwi AcquisitionHave you ever wondered what it's like to sell or acquire a company in the indie scene? In this podcast episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Simon, the founder of Feedhive, and Yossi, the founder of...
- Episode#298 - Our MRR is Going Down 😱In this episode of my podcast, "Wannabe Entrepreneur," I share some valuable insights on the challenges and realities of being an indie hacker. As an indie hacker myself, I understand the importance of...
- Episode#299 - Woohoo! Podsqueeze just hit $100,000 in annual revenue!Have you ever wondered how to reach $100,000 in annual revenue with your business? In this episode, I'll be sharing my personal journey with Podsqueeze and the strategies we're using to reduce churn. One...
- Episode#300 - Sailing Against the TideHave you ever participated in a quiz with friends and suddenly realized how little general knowledge you actually have? That's exactly what happened to me recently. So, I've decided to study flags to improve...
- Episode#299 - Podsqueeze just hit $100,000 in annual revenue!Hey there! Have you ever wondered what it's like to reach a major milestone in your startup? Well, in this episode, I'm excited to share with you the recent achievement of my own startup, Pod Squeeze, hitting...
- Episode#301 - Why Do We All Live Life the Same Way?Have you ever wondered about human achievements, societal norms, and different lifestyles? Today, I'll be reflecting on these topics, specifically in the context of indie hacking. I'll also share my thoughts...
- Episode#302 - I Reached an Exciting Milestone: $10,000 in Revenue!Is money a synonym for success? I'm thrilled to announce that we've reached a milestone of $10,000 in revenue. Plus, I recently bought a used car and the response on Twitter was amazing. Join me as I discuss...
- Episode#302 - I Reached an Exciting Milestone: $10,000 in MRRIs money a synonym for success? I'm thrilled to announce that we've reached a milestone of $10,000 in revenue. Plus, I recently bought a used car and the response on Twitter was amazing. Join me as I discuss...
- Episode#303 - Interviewing Tony Dinh on How He Runs His Successful Indie BusinessesIn this podcast episode, Tiago interviews Tony Dinh, a successful indie hacker, about the challenges and goals of running an indie company. They discuss their own experiences and the importance of finding the...
- Episode#303 - Interviewing Tony Dinh on how to run a successful indie businessesIn this podcast episode, Tiago interviews Tony Dinh, a successful indie hacker, about the challenges and goals of running an indie company. They discuss their own experiences and the importance of finding the...
- Episode#302 - My Company is Making $10K Per MonthIs money a synonym for success? I'm thrilled to announce that we've reached a milestone of $10,000 in revenue. Plus, I recently bought a used car and the response on Twitter was amazing. Join me as I discuss...
- Episode#304 - Don't do business with people you don't trustIn this episode, I'll be sharing my recent experiences with my business partner and landlord. From struggles with onboarding business partners who seemed to take control of the conversation, it's been quite a...
- Episode#305 - How Success Changes The Way You See YourselfHave you ever wondered how success can change a person? In this episode, I'll be reflecting on this concept, and using I'll be sharing my own experiences with success through my company, PodSqueeze. From...
- Episode#301 - Why Do We All Live The Same Life?Have you ever wondered about human achievements, societal norms, and different lifestyles? Today, I'll be reflecting on these topics, specifically in the context of indie hacking. I'll also share my thoughts...
- Episode#306 - I Don't Know How To Run A BusinessIn this episode, I, Tiago, an indie maker and entrepreneur, share my journey and the challenges I face in navigating the business side of things. From setting up a company to handling taxes and hiring...
- Episode#307 - What I wish I’d known when I started Indie HackingHave you ever wondered how to navigate the world of indie hacking? Well, today I'll be discussing the importance of learning and experimenting in indie hacking, the significance of having a financial runway,...
- Episode#308 - Interviewing Taylin Simmonds Founder of GhostliiI had the pleasure of interviewing Taylin Simmonds, the co-founder of Ghostlii, a content marketing agency. Have you ever wondered how to find success as an entrepreneur while staying true to your artistic...
- Episode#309 - How can indie makers perform at their highest level?Are you an indie maker looking to perform at your best? In this episode, I dive into strategies for reaching the highest level of productivity. Discover the power of structuring your day and finding a routine...
- Episode#309 - Tips to help indie makers perform at their highest levelAre you an indie maker looking to perform at your best? In this episode, I dive into strategies for reaching the highest level of productivity. Discover the power of structuring your day and finding a routine...
- Episode#309 - Tips for Indie Makers Perform at The Highest LevelAre you an indie maker looking to perform at your best? In this episode, I dive into strategies for reaching the highest level of productivity. Discover the power of structuring your day and finding a routine...
- Episode#321 - How to go from $100K to $1M with My Indie Business?In this episode of "The Wannabe Entrepreneur," we will be exploring a range of topics. I will start by discussing the challenges of buying a new home and the art of gift-giving, sharing my personal...
- Episode#310 - How To Legally Create an Indie Company and Minimize TaxesHave you ever wondered what it takes to set up your own company? In this podcast episode, I share my personal journey of starting UserQuest and the obstacles I encountered along the way. One of the biggest...
- Episode#311 - The Most Uncertain Times: Navigating the Ups and Downs of PodSqueezeI'll be reflecting on the ups and downs of our journey so far, including the initial success and growth of our company. But I also have concerns about the market and AI trends. I'll be sharing my three...
- Episode#312 - How To Hire Top Freelancers for Your Indie CompanyHave you ever wondered what it's like to hire new team members for a bootstrapped company? Well, in this episode, I'll be sharing my personal experience with hiring for my company, PodSqueeze. It all started...
- Episode#313 - This Is Going To Be a Huge Marketing BetI have some exciting news to share - our company has decided to sponsor a podcasting conference in Berlin as part of our marketing strategy. I'll be discussing our experimentation with different approaches...
- Episode#314 - Interviewing Daniel about the Ups and Downs of Building WundertaxI am interviewing Daniel, the CEO of Wundertax. He takes us on a journey from Hong Kong to Germany, sharing his experiences in entrepreneurship and the creation of Wundertax. We dive into the challenges of...
- Episode#315 - How to Sponsor a Conference with your Indie BusinessHave you ever sponsored a conference to grow your business? In this episode, I, an indie maker, and my co-founder Joao, dive into our experience sponsoring a conference in Berlin for our company, Podsqueeze....
- Episode#316 - Interviewing Dagobert About How to Avoid Burn Out as a FounderHave you ever experienced burnout and its impact on your health? Well, Dagobert shares his personal experience with burnout and how it led to a significant shift in his work-life balance. We also dive into...
- Episode#316 - Interviewing Dagobert About How to Avoid Burnout as a FounderHave you ever experienced burnout and its impact on your health? Well, Dagobert shares his personal experience with burnout and how it led to a significant shift in his work-life balance. We also dive into...
- Episode#317 - This Was Probably My Biggest Mistake EverHave you ever made a critical mistake that had a significant impact on your business? In this episode, I'll be sharing my own experience as the co-founder of Podsqueeze. Blocking the upload feature to combat...
- Episode#318 - How Makers Take the Most Out Of a Tech ConferenceWhat it's like to attend a major tech conference like the Web Summit? Well, in this episode, I'll be sharing my personal experiences from the event. Despite all the controversy and big tech companies dropping...
- Episode#319 - From Cheating at a Podcast Festival to Sponsoring ItLet me take you on a rollercoaster journey through my experiences. This week, I've experienced both the highs and lows of this exciting world of indie hacking. Join me as I share the challenges of running...
- Episode#320 - Interviewing Andrew Gazdecki About How To Sell a Bootstrapped StartupHave you ever wondered about the process of selling startups? In this podcast episode I had the pleasure of interviewing Andrew Gazdecki, the founder of dive into his experience of scaling his...
- Episode#172 - Interviewing Cassidy Williams about finding her perfect jobCassidy Williams (aka @cassidoo) is a software developer with an impressive resume. She has worked in more than six software companies and she has experienced it all: small companies, big companies, pure...
- Episode#322 - Startup Plateau and Conquering the Early MajorityAre you an entrepreneur facing challenges and feeling frustrated with the stagnation of your company? In this episode, I, Tiago, the host and co-founder of Podsqueeze, share my own experiences and insights....
- Episode#323 - The Crazy Journey from $0 to $100K in One Year!In this episode, together with my co-founder João, we dive into our entrepreneurial rollercoaster with Pod Squeeze. From the ashes of a failed project to the thriving business we run today, we're peeling back...
- Episode#324 - Starting a Podcast in 24 Hours: Guerrilla Marketing 101!Are you ready to dive into the world of guerrilla marketing and podcasting? I'm Tiago, the host of "The Wannabe Entrepreneur" and co-founder of PodSqueeze. In this episode, I'm excited to share our marketing...
- Episode#325 - Don't Waste Time... Pay For A Marketing Expert Instead!Ever wondered how a developer turns into an entrepreneur? In this episode of "The Wannabe Entrepreneur," I, Tiago, dive into my own transformation, revealing the ins and outs of my entrepreneurial journey....
- Episode#326 - You Need To Grow Together With Your BusinessI'll talk about the crucial skill shifts, strategies to keep customers, the art of delegation, and the power of SEO and email marketing. Learning from fellow entrepreneurs has been key, and I'm eager to show...
- Episode#327 - Why Some Products Grow And Others Don't?Why do some products grow more than others? In today's episode of "The Wannabe Entrepreneur," I ponder over the growth trajectory of my product, the inevitable plateau, and the significance of early adopters...
- Episode#328 - The Book That Every Maker Needs To ReadHey fellow indie hackers! I've promised myself (and you guys!) that from now on, I'll drop a fresh episode every Monday – gotta keep that trust going, right?I also dived into my new adventure with PodSqueeze,...
- Episode#329 - How Daniel Invests His $500K ARR PortfolioHey fellow indie hackers, just wrapped up a super cool chat with Daniel, a 26-year-old entrepreneur who's totally killing it with a $500k SaaS portfolio. He and his brother started young, sold their first...
- Episode#330 - Top Productivity Hack Every Entrepreneur Must Know!I dive into the nation's burgeoning immigration scene, exploring its cultural boons and economic hurdles. As a business owner, my political perspectives are ever-shifting, particularly concerning taxes and...
- Episode#331 - The Tool That Most Companies Use But Don't Want You To KnowI'm happy to share some personal updates and entrepreneurial insights. Lately, I've discovered Apollo, a networking tool that's completely revolutionized the way I connect with others. Our Website was...
- Episode#332 - Money, Time and Fun - You Can Have It All!In today's podcast, I dive deep into how we juggle our time, chase wealth, and strive for that elusive work-life balance. I shared some personal stories, including the ups and downs with my own project,...
- Episode#333 - The Pressure of the 30sI've been reflecting on the growth and changes over the past few years. We talked about the leap from a 9 to 5 to full-time entrepreneurship, the societal pressures we face, especially as we hit our 30s, and...
- Episode#334 - Interviewing Rob Walling About How Bootstrappers Get RichHere is my chat with Rob Walling, author of the SaaS Playbook. We delved into product pricing, focusing on value alignment rather than greed, and discussed strategic price increases to reduce churn and...
- Episode#335 - My Most Embarrassing Mistake EverI made a mistake with my pricing, but I'm getting over it with some meditation. I'm also excited to go to a podcast conference in London to meet people and learn more.I talked about the importance of...
- Episode#336 - In Business Size Actually Matters!!I talk about the importance of prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively. I also discuss my main goal: becoming a better entrepreneur through continuous learning. You'll hear about my marketing...
- Episode#337 - The Most Misunderstood Path to Wealth and SuccessIn this episode, I dive into my latest thoughts on entrepreneurship, work-life balance, and productivity. I share exciting updates about my project, Podsqueeze, and my collaboration with João on a new...
- Episode#1 - New Name! New Product! New Season!I discuss the evolution of my podcast and why It went from "The Wannabe Entrepreneur" to "Indie Founder." I introduce Flarecut, my new AI tool that helps create short videos. I reflect on its market reception...
- Episode#2.1 - New Name! New Product! New Season!I discuss the evolution of my podcast and why It went from "The Wannabe Entrepreneur" to "Indie Founder." I introduce Flarecut, my new AI tool that helps create short videos. I reflect on its market reception...
- Episode#2.2 - From Stagnation To Success - Podsqueeze RebirthI share the rollercoaster journey of my startup, Podsqueeze. I talk about our initial success, hitting a growth plateau, and the strategies we used to bounce back, like investing in SEO and launching new...
- Episode#2.3 - Elson's Indie Maker Journey Building Tiny HostI chat with Elson, founder of Tiny Host. We dive into his journey as an indie maker, his early interest in web design, and the founding of Tiny Host. We discuss validating business ideas, building Tiny Host...
- Episode#2.3 - Elston's Indie Maker Journey Building Tiny HostI chat with Elston, founder of Tiny Host. We dive into his journey as an indie maker, his early interest in web design, and the founding of Tiny Host. We discuss validating business ideas, building Tiny Host...
- Episode#2.4 - In Business Put Your Ego AsideI dive into the importance of setting aside ego in both entrepreneurship and personal life. I share personal stories and lessons learned, emphasizing that being an entrepreneur is a lifestyle that shapes...
- Episode#2.4 - How Your Ego Is Killing Your Business!I dive into the importance of setting aside ego in both entrepreneurship and personal life. I share personal stories and lessons learned, emphasizing that being an entrepreneur is a lifestyle that shapes...
- Episode#2.5 - How Will Trump's Victory Impact Your Indie Businesses?I dive into the potential impacts of Donald Trump's election victory on indie businesses, especially in the SaaS sector. I discuss the differences between the U.S. and European business environments, noting...
- Episode#2.6 - Network Used To Be Awkward... Lets Talk About WebsummitI dive into the art of networking at conferences, focusing on my experiences at the Web Summit in Lisbon. Having attended for three years, I share tips on navigating the event, securing a media ticket, and...
- Episode#2.7 - I've Finally Cracked The Productivity CodeI dive into the tricky balance between work and rest that many indie makers face. I share my personal journey and talk about the constant pressure to work long hours and the feelings of dissatisfaction that...
- Episode#2.8 - I am Managing a Building! I hope I don't ruin it...I dive into my journey of managing a residential building after buying our first apartment. I share the ups and downs of dealing with a crumbling building, a lackluster management company, and a diverse group...
- Episode#2.9 - What I Learned, Failed and Achieved in 2024I share a wrap-up of 2024, discussing both successes and challenges with Podsqueeze. I reflect on our disappointing growth compared to 2023 and the importance of sustainable marketing, particularly through...
- Episode#2.3 - Navigating Scaling Challenges and User Feedback: Elston's Indie Journey with Tiny HostI chat with Elston, founder of Tiny Host. We dive into his journey as an indie maker, his early interest in web design, and the founding of Tiny Host. We discuss validating business ideas, building Tiny Host...
- Episode#2.9 - Reflections on 2024: Achievements, Challenges, and the Power of Sustainable MarketingI share a wrap-up of 2024, discussing both successes and challenges with Podsqueeze. I reflect on our disappointing growth compared to 2023 and the importance of sustainable marketing, particularly through...
- Episode#2.8 - Navigating Residential Building Management: Overcoming Challenges and Cultural ClashesI dive into my journey of managing a residential building after buying our first apartment. I share the ups and downs of dealing with a crumbling building, a lackluster management company, and a diverse group...
- Episode#2.7 - Cracking the Productivity Code: Balancing Work Satisfaction and Personal Time for Indie MakersI dive into the tricky balance between work and rest that many indie makers face. I share my personal journey and talk about the constant pressure to work long hours and the feelings of dissatisfaction that...
- Episode#2.5 - Currency Fluctuations and Trump's Victory: Impacts on Indie Maker's BusinessesI dive into the potential impacts of Donald Trump's election victory on indie businesses, especially in the SaaS sector. I discuss the differences between the U.S. and European business environments, noting...
- Episode#2.2 - From Stagnation to Success: Reviving User Engagement with PodsqueezeI share the rollercoaster journey of my startup, Podsqueeze. I talk about our initial success, hitting a growth plateau, and the strategies we used to bounce back, like investing in SEO and launching new...
- Episode#337 - Unveiling the Myth: Overworking and Work Performance in the Path to WealthIn this episode, I dive into my latest thoughts on entrepreneurship, work-life balance, and productivity. I share exciting updates about my project, Podsqueeze, and my collaboration with João on a new...
- Episode#336 -Why Business Size Matters: Navigating a Bootstrapped Company and New ProjectsI talk about the importance of prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively. I also discuss my main goal: becoming a better entrepreneur through continuous learning. You'll hear about my marketing...
- Episode#335 - Navigating Business Metrics and My Podcasting Conference Journey - Young Entrepreneur MistakesI made a mistake with my pricing, but I'm getting over it with some meditation. I'm also excited to go to a podcast conference in London to meet people and learn more.I talked about the importance of...
- Episode#334 - Rob Walling on Mastering Product Pricing for Churn Reduction and Entrepreneurial Wealth - Author of The SaaS PlaybookHere is my chat with Rob Walling, author of the SaaS Playbook. We delved into product pricing, focusing on value alignment rather than greed, and discussed strategic price increases to reduce churn and...
- Episode#333 - Thriving in Your 30s: Embracing Community Building and EntrepreneurshipI've been reflecting on the growth and changes over the past few years. We talked about the leap from a 9 to 5 to full-time entrepreneurship, the societal pressures we face, especially as we hit our 30s, and...
- Episode#332 - Money, Time and Fun - You Can Have It All!In today's podcast, I dive deep into how we juggle our time, chase wealth, and strive for that elusive work-life balance. I shared some personal stories, including the ups and downs with my own project,...
- Episode#331 - Unlocking Organic Growth: The Hidden Tool Transforming BusinessesI'm happy to share some personal updates and entrepreneurial insights. Lately, I've discovered Apollo, a networking tool that's completely revolutionized the way I connect with others. Our Website was...
- Episode#330 - Unlocking Productivity: How "The 4-Hour Workweek" Revolutionizes Entrepreneurial EfficiencyI dive into the nation's burgeoning immigration scene, exploring its cultural boons and economic hurdles. As a business owner, my political perspectives are ever-shifting, particularly concerning taxes and...
- Episode#329 - Strategic Investing Strategies Post-Company Sale with Daniel's $500K SaaS PortfolioHey fellow indie hackers, just wrapped up a super cool chat with Daniel, a 26-year-old entrepreneur who's totally killing it with a $500k SaaS portfolio. He and his brother started young, sold their first...
- Episode#328 - Rob Walling's Game-Changing Book: Strategies for Makers on Reducing Churn and Embracing Long-Term ThinkingHey fellow indie hackers! I've promised myself (and you guys!) that from now on, I'll drop a fresh episode every Monday – gotta keep that trust going, right?I also dived into my new adventure with PodSqueeze,...
- Episode#327 - Unlocking Product Growth: The Role of Early Adopters and Marketing TacticsWhy do some products grow more than others? In today's episode of "The Wannabe Entrepreneur," I ponder over the growth trajectory of my product, the inevitable plateau, and the significance of early adopters...
- Episode#326 - Growing Together: Mastering Customer Retention for Financial SuccessI'll talk about the crucial skill shifts, strategies to keep customers, the art of delegation, and the power of SEO and email marketing. Learning from fellow entrepreneurs has been key, and I'm eager to show...
- Episode#325 - Transform Your Entrepreneurial Journey: Invest in Marketing Expertise!Ever wondered how a developer turns into an entrepreneur? In this episode of "The Wannabe Entrepreneur," I, Tiago, dive into my own transformation, revealing the ins and outs of my entrepreneurial journey....
- Episode#324 - Guerrilla Marketing and Podcast Creation: Launch Your Show in 24 Hours!Are you ready to dive into the world of guerrilla marketing and podcasting? I'm Tiago, the host of "The Wannabe Entrepreneur" and co-founder of PodSqueeze. In this episode, I'm excited to share our marketing...
- Episode#323 - From $0 to $100K in One Year: Our Rapid Prototyping and Product Launch JourneyIn this episode, together with my co-founder João, we dive into our entrepreneurial rollercoaster with Pod Squeeze. From the ashes of a failed project to the thriving business we run today, we're peeling back...
- Episode#322 - Overcoming Startup Plateau: Growth Strategies for Reaching the Early MajorityAre you an entrepreneur facing challenges and feeling frustrated with the stagnation of your company? In this episode, I, Tiago, the host and co-founder of Podsqueeze, share my own experiences and insights....
- Episode#321 - My Entrepreneurial Journey: From $100K Milestone to $1M SuccessIn this episode of "The Wannabe Entrepreneur," we will be exploring a range of topics. I will start by discussing the challenges of buying a new home and the art of gift-giving, sharing my personal...
- Episode#320 - Mastering the Art of Selling Startups: Insights from Andrew GazdeckiHave you ever wondered about the process of selling startups? In this podcast episode I had the pleasure of interviewing Andrew Gazdecki, the founder of dive into his experience of scaling his...
- Episode#318 - Maximizing Networking with Business Cards at Tech ConferencesWhat it's like to attend a major tech conference like the Web Summit? Well, in this episode, I'll be sharing my personal experiences from the event. Despite all the controversy and big tech companies dropping...
- Episode#317 - How Blocking Fake Accounts Impacted User Engagement and Business GrowthHave you ever made a critical mistake that had a significant impact on your business? In this episode, I'll be sharing my own experience as the co-founder of Podsqueeze. Blocking the upload feature to combat...
- Episode#315 - How to Sponsor a Conference with your Indie Maker BusinessHave you ever sponsored a conference to grow your business? In this episode, I, an indie maker, and my co-founder Joao, dive into our experience sponsoring a conference in Berlin for our company, Podsqueeze....
- Episode#314 - Securing Funding: Daniel's Journey with Wundertax from Startup Challenges to SuccessI am interviewing Daniel, the CEO of Wundertax. He takes us on a journey from Hong Kong to Germany, sharing his experiences in entrepreneurship and the creation of Wundertax. We dive into the challenges of...
- Episode#313 - Betting Big on a Podcasting Conference: New Features and Entrepreneurial InsightsI have some exciting news to share - our company has decided to sponsor a podcasting conference in Berlin as part of our marketing strategy. I'll be discussing our experimentation with different approaches...
- Episode#312 - Hiring Top Freelancers: Building a Dream Team for Your Bootstrapped CompanyHave you ever wondered what it's like to hire new team members for a bootstrapped company? Well, in this episode, I'll be sharing my personal experience with hiring for my company, PodSqueeze. It all started...
- Episode#311 - Navigating Uncertain Times: PodSqueeze’s Journey and the Power of a Supportive CommunityI'll be reflecting on the ups and downs of our journey so far, including the initial success and growth of our company. But I also have concerns about the market and AI trends. I'll be sharing my three...
- Episode#310 - Navigating Company Setup: How to Legally Establish an Indie Business and Minimize TaxesHave you ever wondered what it takes to set up your own company? In this podcast episode, I share my personal journey of starting UserQuest and the obstacles I encountered along the way. One of the biggest...
- Episode#309 - Productivity Tips for Indie Makers Perform at The Highest LevelAre you an indie maker looking to perform at your best? In this episode, I dive into strategies for reaching the highest level of productivity. Discover the power of structuring your day and finding a routine...
- Episode#308 - Balancing Artistic Vision and Entrepreneurship with Taylin Simmonds, Founder of GhostliiI had the pleasure of interviewing Taylin Simmonds, the co-founder of Ghostlii, a content marketing agency. Have you ever wondered how to find success as an entrepreneur while staying true to your artistic...
- Episode#306 - Navigating Company Setup & Hiring a Community Manager: My Entrepreneurial JourneyIn this episode, I, Tiago, an indie maker and entrepreneur, share my journey and the challenges I face in navigating the business side of things. From setting up a company to handling taxes and hiring...
- Episode#304 - If It Is Not A One-Time Payment You Must Find The Right Business PartnerIn this episode, I'll be sharing my recent experiences with my business partner and landlord. From struggles with onboarding business partners who seemed to take control of the conversation, it's been quite a...