Built to Go is your #vanlife companion for long days on the road, working on your rig, or just relaxing by that perfect spot. Self-build? Living in your vehicle? Stealth Van? Our magazine format has something for every #vanlife interest.
- 2025 / 3 / 5249 Leave No Trace, Hotel Callifornia, Li Ion, Trackers, T-Shirt Story 2Do you leave no trace? Let's talk about it. We'll also visit the Hotel California, look at Android Trackers, and find a place to buy vans. Oh, and there's a t-shirt. If you're looking for my personal...
- 2025 / 2 / 27248 10 Dangerous Things, 3M Security Film, Caravan Trick, CANADA, Remote JobsWhat's your biggest fear? I'll bet it's not what's actually dangerous. We'll take a look at vanlife ways to die. We'll also review 3M security film, explore a hidden feature of Dodge Caravans, hear a tale...
- 2025 / 2 / 19247 Boondocking, USB Light, Lost Luggage, FireA Boondocking build makes a lot of sense, whether you plan to use campgrounds or not. And we'll take a look at USB lighting, visit some lost luggage, and nearly displace over 200 people into the cold Chicago...
- 2025 / 2 / 13246 10 Vanlife Myths, Elegear Pad, Glacial Grooves, Cooking Gases, Vanning While DisabledDo you believe these myths? It's OK if you do-but here's why I don't. We'll also look at a really comfortable sleeping pad, visit a geologic wonder, explain LPG vs. Propane vs. Butane vs. Natural Gas, and...
- 2025 / 2 / 4245 NOW is the Time, Rust Converter, Moose, Boxio, A Plate of BaconThis is an unedited podcast produced by narcotics and sheer will. Now is the time to build your van and hit the road! Really! We'll also talk about rust converters, moose watching, a simple sink solution,...
- 2025 / 1 / 22244 Surviving Uncertainty, Frozen Vehicles, Parc Omega, Amazon Haul, Van CrashWe live in uncertain times! What to do? Here's a list of 10 things that might help. We'll also fix our frozen van, explore a winter wonderland, give Amazon Haul a try, and find some ambience. If you're...
- 2025 / 1 / 16243 The One Thing You Need Most, Dirty Solar Panels, Benjaman Kyle, UFO Landing, Door EdgesThe most important thing is something you already have! Or not... but you need to find out. We'll also visit at UFO landing pad, have an encounter at Burger King, protect our neighbors and find out how NOT to...
- 2025 / 1 / 8242 THE BEST, Belt Dressing, Cheap Batteries, Guns at the Border, Last Buffalo, PeregrinusDo you want THE BEST? Are you sure? We'll talk about the "cult of the best" and other ways to look at things. We'll also explore belt dressings, visit the last buffalo hunt, hear a tale about guns at the...
- 2025 / 1 / 1241 Storage Units, Ice Roads, Sausage Kid, Honey, Diesel Heater LIES!Some news from Built to GO! And windshield washer fluids explained, a story about a potato, a bargain of a bed, and how to find food and more when you really need it. Join us at VanFestUSA! February, 6-9 on...
- 2024 / 12 / 25240 BTG News, Windshield Washer Fluids, XMas Activity, A Potato, Bargain BedSome news from Built to GO! And windshield washer fluids explained, a story about a potato, a bargain of a bed, and how to find food and more when you really need it. Join us at VanFestUSA! February, 6-9 on...
- 2024 / 12 / 18239 Less Lethal Self Defense, Bens Street Food, Singing Tree, Power Station ProblemLooking for a self-defense device that's not a firearm? Consider these... carefully. We'll also try a new shelf stable food, listen to a singing tree, and learn about the Achille's heel of power...
- 2024 / 12 / 12238 Buying a Used Van, Diesel Heater vs. Power Station, Musk Sticks, Crossroads, Dwarf CarsLet's take a look at what you should look at when you're looking at a used van. We'll also dig deep into power stations and diesel heaters, try some pink treats, give up on privacy, and see some wee...
- 2024 / 12 / 4237 Bob Wells Journey, LED Myth, String Lights, Melk AbbeyBob Wells is the Godfather of Vanlife. Why happened? We'll also expose and LED myth, review some fun string lights, and visit an old place with an unexpected twist. Join us at VanFestUSA! February, 6-9 on...
- 2024 / 11 / 27236 BLACK Friday, Pins, Concentration Camp, Firelogs, Austrian AutobahnsBLACK Friday is upon us, and I have things to suggest. We'll also visit a concentration camp, some beautiful roads and learn why firelogs are bad for cooking. We'll also find a whole new community. Join us...
- 2024 / 11 / 21235 The ELEPHANT in the room, Baofeng Radios, Hidden Statues, Candle Heaters AGAINWhew. This is a heavy one, and I break a big rule here. This might be the last episode you listen to. But it has elephants, things that catch on fire, hidden art and crazy radios. Join us at VanFestUSA!...
- 2024 / 11 / 6234 The FUTURE of VanLife, Video Games, Covering your Rig, Rare Parts, Night Ghost TownMy voice is rough, but the content is here - let's explore what vanlife looks like in the future! Also, a couple of vanlife video games, the dangers of blue tarps, finding that rare part, and a tale involving...
- 2024 / 11 / 1BONUS: Death Valley, Racetrack PlayaFolks, my voice is near shot, so a short bonus episode this week about my recent trip to deepest, darkest, Death Valley. Full episode next week!
- 2024 / 10 / 23233 VanLife Experts, Leaks, Zipper Locks, Visiting History, NotebookLMThis week I tell you not to listen to me. And if you don't follow my advice, you'll learn about detecting leaks in your van, avoiding pick pockets, how to tell who is an "expert," and an impressive new AI...
- 2024 / 10 / 16232 VanFest LiftOff! Backup battery, Lunar Lake, Sevier Lake, Water BypassThis week, we're going back to episode 1 and re-doing some things, but we're also going to talk about VanFest: LiftOFF where I'll be attending and presenting! Join us! We'll also talk about some dry lake...
- 2024 / 10 / 9231 Staying Warm in Winter, Temp 12v Trick, Poozeum, Knots, JoolcaLet's have a rundown of all the different ways to stay warm this winter. We'll also visit a whole lot of poo, use a powerstation for temporary 12v needs, learn to tie knots the fun way, and explore the...
- 2024 / 10 / 2230 Vanlife is a Camel's Eye, Dongle Lights, Electric Cooking, Salem, MAA bit of rule breaking this week, as I talk about RELIGION (!) in a certain context, cooking with electricity, visiting Salem during "Spooky Season," abandoning friends, and a book recommendation that isn't...
- 2024 / 9 / 24229 The SPIRIT of Vanlife?, Free Books, Trash Can, Bench Testing, MothsAre you following "the spirit of van life"? Spoiler: Yes, you are. You're also about to hear about the importance of bench testing, learn a lesson from a moth, score some free books and learn about a very...
- 2024 / 9 / 18228 Fire Extinguishers, Gas vs. Diesel Heaters, Space Blankets, Bermuda, Royal MaleFire extinguishers may sound boring, but they're essential. Get one! Then we'll visit Bermuda, try out a space blanket, visit a unique store, make some custom badges, and compare gasoline heaters to diesel...
- 2024 / 9 / 4227 Defining Successful Vanlife, Air Fryer, Clem, Singing Road, Recycling, Propane LockerThis week, it's time to take a step back and realize who's in charge: it's YOU. So don't let anyone else define your success. We'll also talk about propane lockers, singing roads (really), where to recycle...
- 2024 / 8 / 28226 Solar Redux, Dawn Powerwash, Yi Yu Tang House, Hitches, Strange PowersBig Solar Redux! Let's talk about all things solar, especially how's improved over the years. We'll also visit 18th century China, hear about some risqué material from the early days of YouTube, and learn...
- 2024 / 8 / 21225 10 Things Builders Forget, RV Museum, Going Downhill, Free* Streaming, Dowsing for $$$10 things NOT to forget when you're building out your van! We'll also visit some vintage rigs, learn about going downhill, dowse for water and find some good cooking resources. Pagurus in North...
- 2024 / 8 / 14224 Rag & Bone Buffet! AWD vs. 4WD, JDM, Squeal Test, Katoomba, EnZed, UrbEXA lot of little things add up to a whole episode! No central theme, just bits about marketing, breathing, driving, squealing, traveling, exploring, and troubleshooting. Something for everyone, I hope....
- 2024 / 8 / 8223 Things to Check While You're Driving, Android Radio, Sherri's Castle, Phone MountLate again! And I'm being buzzed! (Not like that). But we have 10 things to check while your driving to keep you van going, a visit to a mysterious staircase in the middle of the woods, a way to figure out...
- 2024 / 7 / 31222 10 Joyful Things about Vanlife, Jackery 1500 Charging, Dog Statue, VW ResourcesThis week, we eschew negativity and obfuscate obstinacy! Well, at least for the first section. We'll then visit DC, a dog with a plate, play with a Jackery 1500 and violate the warranty on a USB cable. And...
- 2024 / 7 / 24221 Listener Letters, Cabin Air Filters, Binoculars, Star Trek Set, Color Temp, Driving SchoolThis week, we'll focus on some great listener letters. We'll also visit the USS Enterprise, drive up a river, play with binoculars, measure things in Kelvin and learn if you have a cabin air...
- 2024 / 7 / 17220 TOLLS, Cold Bed, Arco, Casino Parking, Japanese Wood BurningFor whom the toll bells? It's YOU. We need to have a talk about this. We'll also explore Arco, Idaho, sleep in a casino parking lot, burn some wood artistically, and review some magnentic...
- 2024 / 7 / 11219 Fixed Address, Leaving Las Vegas, Car Dwelling Guide, Vanlife MagazineLiving full time has many challenges, but one of those is a "fixed address." We'll discuss. We'll also review a new Vanlife Magazine, visit a miniature world, leave Las Vegas, and learn what to do when we...
- 2024 / 7 / 3218 Keep Calm and Carry On, Being Ready, Ring Stickup Cam, Tinker Creek, CryptozoologyThere's a LOT going on, and it's important to remember what we're doing here—VANLIFE! We'll also talk about hitting the road with an unfinished rig, review the Ring Stickup Cam, visit Tinker Creek, Bigfoot,...
- 2024 / 6 / 26217 Hipcamp, Female Trucking, Awnings, Fossil Museum, Propane FixTWO Main features this week, how to deal with the heat and how to deal with pests. Then we'll slow down and enjoy some coffee mugs, learn about the two different fridge types, encounter some bad stones,...
- 2024 / 6 / 19216 Heat! Pests! Coffee Cups, Fridge Types, Stones, and Kira and the Survival PodTWO Main features this week, how to deal with the heat and how to deal with pests. Then we'll slow down and enjoy some coffee mugs, learn about the two different fridge types, encounter some bad stones,...
- 2024 / 6 / 12215 Trailer Life? Flex Paste, Small Toilet, Stolen Tractor, ShuteIs trailer life the way to go? Maybe! Let's take a look. And let's explore the realities of an inexpensive and small cassette toilet, find out where Shute fell (but not why), and steal a...
- 2024 / 6 / 5214 The Shakedown! Cheap Tools, Free Casino Money, Meow Wolf, Missing IngredientsPrepare for your shakedown! Your first trip will reveal all the flaws in your rig. It's OK! It's part of it. We also find some cheap and good tools, visit a few different planets, use chicken broth instead of...
- 2024 / 5 / 29213 All About TIRES, Fan Option, Propane Perils, Blinking Trees, PVC WoodTires are one of the most important part of your rig, and yet they're often ignored. Let's fix that. We'll also learn a bit about propane, try some PVC wood, review some fans and watch trees blink. My...
- 2024 / 5 / 22212 Scamp Lessons, Bidets, Water Pump, Pig Slime, Drive Thru Tree, MeetupsI've just about done renovating the Scamp, and I've learned some things that might help your build. We'll also explore the potential of bidets, try out a small water pump, drive through at tree, and find the...
- 2024 / 5 / 15211 Time Travel, Diesel Heater Power, Phone Holder, Lost Mine, Road ConstructionA thought occurred, and it must be shared. Please bear with me. We'll also talk about right-sizing diesel heaters, review a phone holder that also charges, visit a lost mine and one of the largest arcades in...
- 2024 / 5 / 8210 Weird Van Thoughts, Kleen Tank, Leech Beach, Etsy, Drive InEvery have those late night thoughts? Are they different when you're in your van? Mine are. We'll also visit Wellfleet, shop Etsy, clean our black tanks, and learn why conduit is a good thing. Travel with...
- 2024 / 5 / 1209 RVing VS Vanlife, Tire Screws, Undermount AC, Gates of the Arctic, FlatlandIs Vanlife just RVing in smaller vehicles? Not really! Let's take a look at what's the same and what's different. We'll also play with some new "tire screws," Travel with us on the Danube River through...
- 2024 / 4 / 24208 YES you can have AC!, Large Bladder, Adam Savage, Custom MattressFolks, it's time to consider having AC for your van. Off Grid! It's never been more possible, but it's still not easy. We'll also look at a large water bladder, visit some space junk, find a mattress solution...
- 2024 / 4 / 17207 A VanLife Code? Romex, Cheap PWM, Munzee, Soporific ThoreauIs it time for a crowd-sourced code of ethics for vanlifers? Let's discuss. We'll also explain why Romex is NOT for vans, how a cheap PWM controller might be all you need, and we play a bit of Munzee. And...
- 2024 / 4 / 10206 Getting Help, Stupid Truck Trick, American Vikings, Toilet BrushHelp! You're in trouble! What do you do? Let's talk about some devices and strategies to get back to civilization. We'll also visit weird Boston, save some data on our hotspot, and play with... a toilet...
- 2024 / 4 / 3205 Propane vs. Butane vs. Electric, African Van Drive, Roll o Lights, Buckingham FountainPropane, Butane or Electric? What's best for heat and cooking? YES! We'll also play with a new lighting idea, visit an iconic fountain, take a rid in Africa and find an easy way to check the...
- 2024 / 3 / 27204 AI Takes on Vanlife, Rice Krispie Kayaking, Pie Machine, Generators, CarMaxWhat does AI have to say about Vanlife? Turns out, quite a bit, but can we trust it? Let's see. We'll also explore gas generators, and unique vending machine in Texas, encounter some powerful critters, and...
- 2024 / 3 / 21203 Truck Vs. Van, Capetown, Toaster, Drill Problem, Eye SafetyWhew! I did some math, and it's led me to some difficult decisions. You'll see. We'll also explore Capetown, make some toast, and learn how to not go blind. Travel with us on the Danube River through...
- 2024 / 3 / 13202 5 GREAT Driving Roads, Give Up on USB A, Wine Bottle LightsSometimes, it's nice to remember the DRIVING part of travel. It can be fun! Here are five great drives. We'll also look at why you should NOT install USB A ports, we'll review some simple wine bottle lights,...
- 2024 / 3 / 6201 The 5V Van, Floor Glue, Moroccan Rocks, Mermaids5v Van? We’re getting to the point where it’s possible for “light” builds. It’s a great option for no builds! And you can add CarPlay Android Auto to just about any radio, why should you avoid gluing...
- 2024 / 2 / 28200 The iOverlander Problem, Quartzsite Attack, CarPlay, Nomad WikiiOverlander is the go to app for many of us. But there's a problem, and there may not be a way to fix it. We'll also take a look at an "attack" in Quartzsite, a way to add CarPlay to stock radios, and a great...
- 2024 / 2 / 23199 Trailer as Vanlife? Ottoman Cover, Dangerous Monitor, Blythe Intaglios, Lateral AGAINIs a camping trailer part of "vanlife"? I say yes. Why not? We'll discuss the pros and cons of living the life as a toad. We'll aslo find a clever way to hide your toilet, discover a problem with winter food,...
- 2024 / 2 / 20BONUS - Why I'm in Florida and 10 Lessons LearnedFolks - this week was eventful, and completely unanticipated. But here I sit in Florida, and I offer you a lengthy explanation and a list of lessons learned from it. This is NOT a normal episode. If you...
- 2024 / 2 / 8198 Skookies!, Alternate Power for Diesel Heater, Folding Dog Pool, Chasing 70Skoolies are great! But they're not without challenges - let's explore. We'll also "ride the whirlwind," visit an art museum, encounter a Catch 22, and Chase 70º. Travel with us on the Danube River...
- 2024 / 1 / 31197 VANFEST Review, IKEA Lights, Recovery Boards, Explorist.Life, WeBoostVan Fest Florida is finished, but it's also just the beginning. We'll take a look at how well our WeBoost has been doing, review some IKEA lamps, use our recovery boards, and talk about how we can all get to...
- 2024 / 1 / 24196 The DEF Story, Gravity Hills, Vevor Heater, Airbag Warning, Van Parking LawsWonder what DEF is? Even if you don't drive diesel, this might be interesting. We'll also watch our van roll uphill, update our Vevor Diesel Heater review, read some onerous laws, and more. Travel with us...
- 2024 / 1 / 17195 What is OODA? Gas vs. Diesel, VanFestUSA, Stupid Things I've Done, Pop Up Table, PrepperWhat is OODA? A way to get yourself out of trouble, that's what. We'll also review a pop-up table stool thing, visit Vanfest, check out Prepper Survival Guide and hear a tale of the very stupid. Travel...
- 2024 / 1 / 10194 Insurance, Water Pumps, Devils Ice Box, Weathertech, Blue Highways, Danger in TangierHow should you insure your rig? I don't have an answer, but I lay out the framework so you can find the best solution for you. We'll also visit the Devil's Icebox, check out Blue Highways, experience "danger"...
- 2024 / 1 / 4193 ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CHANGES, Volcano Restaurant, Travel RouterChanges are a-comin' and I lay them all out here. I also visit an amazing restaurant in the Canary Islands and talk about my experiences with a handy travel router. FIND US: We're on Facebook (Built to Go...
- 2023 / 12 / 13192 Maintenance for an Old Van, VPNs, Cellular Trail Cams, Shark Attack,Play WHERE IS JEFF? This podcast is also available on YouTube. Winnebago has an eRV prototype - can you build your own? We'll discuss. We'll also revisit the idea...
- 2023 / 12 / 7191 Can you have an EV Campervan?, Pocket Batteries, Huatulco Wood, Clay Pot Heaters, Reservation KindnessPlay WHERE IS JEFF? This podcast is also available on YouTube. Winnebago has an eRV prototype - can you build your own? We'll discuss. We'll also revisit the idea...
- 2023 / 11 / 30190 Winter Realities, 2FA Problem, Insta360 One X, Treasures of Our Town, Canal Crying, Big Robs ListThis podcast is also available on YouTube: Winter vanlife can be great! But you need to be prepared. We'll help. We'll also solve a 2FA problem, review a strange and wonderful...
- 2023 / 11 / 16189 LIVE from Off the Coast of Panama...We're off the shore of Panama in a 90,000 lb van! Join us as we discuss travel, places we've been, and the importance of Wendy's in determining where you've been. FIND US: We're on Facebook (Built to Go...
- 2023 / 11 / 8188 Making $$$ on YouTube, 12v Triple Sockets, Cams, Fort Reno, Guest Host!This podcast is also available on YouTube: Guest host Rob O'Hara talks about making money on YouTube, an interesting 12v solution, security cams, the "biggest" ball of twine, and...
- 2023 / 11 / 1187 Best Van Computer, Coral Castle, Money Belt, Lost at SeaThis podcast is also available on YouTube: Strange episode this week! A bit rough, but we're going to talk about the best computer for your van, money belts, getting lost at sea,...
- 2023 / 10 / 25186 Homelessness Vs. Vanlife, Space Heaters, Cabin Air Filters, DC At Night, UPS JobsThis podcast is also available on YouTube: Vanlife & Homelessness share a lot of space on a Venn diagram, but there are important things to know. We discuss. We'll also test some...
- 2023 / 10 / 18185 10 Things I Did WRONG, Subfloors, Mars II Pro, Seneca Oil Spring, Fort New SalemThis podcast is also available on YouTube: (coming soon) Everyone talks about what they did RIGHT, but we can learn more from what someone did WRONG! Here's a list from me. We'll also talk about Subfloors,...
- 2023 / 10 / 12184 MINIVANS!, Mapparium, Temple Mount, Desulfation, Toaster, Consumer ReportsThis podcast is also available on YouTube: The perfect stealth van isn't a white cargo van, it's a MINIVAN! And they're great for camping anyway. We'll also walk through a giant...
- 2023 / 10 / 3183 Stealth ISN’T Dead, Alien Tape, Luray Caverns, A Finnish Van, Battery ChargersThis podcast is also available on YouTube: Stealth is DEAD! Except it isn't—it's just misunderstood. We'll explain. We'll also visit a cave that's been turned into a musical...
- 2023 / 9 / 21182 Complete Guide to Refrigerators, Koreshan Park, Strike Hold, CCA vs. AH, Vanlife NewsThis podcast is also available on YouTube: If you're curious about what kind of fridge to have in your van, this is the episode for you—we explore them ALL. We'll also visit a...
- 2023 / 9 / 13181 A Mystery Animal, 150 Watt Inverter, USS Olympia, iPhone USB-C Solutions, Anderson Connector FlipThis podcast is also available on YouTube and contains the FULL VIDEO OF THE MYSTERY ANIMAL: This is a bit of a departure, but we need to talk about this mystery animal, and why...
- 2023 / 9 / 6180 How to Be An American in Canada, Wiper Trick, CN Tower Edge Walk, QuestoThis podcast is also available on YouTube: Be nice when you go to Canada, Eh? Americans have a reputation, and it's not always good. There are things you can do to show those...
- 2023 / 8 / 30179 Bug Out Van, Tire Rotation, A Visitor in the Woods, Your Van BookThis podcast is also available on YouTube: You have a van. Is it your escape pod? Are you ready to go if disaster strikes? You can be. We'll also review Amazon Prime, visit the...
- 2023 / 8 / 24178 Simplest Solar, Hooks!, Chain of Rocks Bridge, Buddha Pizza, LateralThis podcast is also available on YouTube: Have you been scared off by how complicated solar is? It doesn't have to be. There's a very simple solar setup that...
- 2023 / 8 / 16177 Knowing When to GO, Electric Kettles, Subaru Factory, Disaster HelpersThis podcast is also available on YouTube: Are you ready to start Vanlife? How can you be sure? There's ONE things that's essential. We'll also take a look at why 12v kettles...
- 2023 / 8 / 9176 Ten Things Jeff Was Wrong About, Cargo Net, Bad Art, Windows, Haitian ExchangeThis podcast is also available on YouTube: I was wrong! 10 times! Time to 'fess up. We'll also visit Haiti, as well as the Museum of Bad Art. And we'll find a...
- 2023 / 8 / 2175 Your Van Will Kill You, Cooking in Cans, Dairy Witch, UFO SightingThis podcast is also available on YouTube: Your van is dangerous. We'll take a look at a popular video that explains why, and offer some suggestions. We'll also...
- 2023 / 7 / 27174 The BEST Van, Secret Compact Van, Bacon!, SPAM Museum, Roller Paint Your VanThis podcast is also available on YouTube: This week, we're going to look at what vans you can buy new, and which one is the best! It turns out, it's a different answer...
- 2023 / 7 / 22BONUS! AMA about a whole bunch of thingsThis podcast is also available on YouTube: This AMA is two hours of me yapping about upcoming trips, with LOTS of stories and other bits and pieces. FIND US:...
- 2023 / 7 / 19173 Beat the HEAT, Rock Wool is OK, Folding Brackets, Hannah Dustin, PRONOUNCIATIONThis podcast is also available on YouTube: For must of us, Air Conditioning is not an option. So let's look at what ELSE we can do. We'll also review a nice little folding shelf...
- 2023 / 7 / 13172 Keeping Tidy, AC vs. DC Switches, Road Gator Attack, Don’t Go HereThis podcast is also available on YouTube: Vans are small, so why is it so hard to keep them clean? We have some tips. We'll also review a miraculous laptop case/cover, visit a...
- 2023 / 7 / 5171 Killing Our Parks, Gas One Dual Fuel Stove, Building With Foam, Classic CarsI'm not saying DON'T visit a national park, but maybe help with the crowds a bit? Here are some ideas. We'll also take a look at the Gas One Dual Fuel portable stove, visit some classic cars in Maine, discuss...
- 2023 / 6 / 28170 The Case AGAINST Travel, TPMS, Crestone Colorado, Angry Argentine WomenA cocktail and a bone to pick with an article AGAINST travel, and then we discuss the pitfalls of your TPMS system, not one but TWO angry Argentines and an incredibly in-depth look at cyclopentane compressor...
- 2023 / 6 / 21169 Lessons from Starry Meadows, Battery Electric Blanket, A Flower, Rocky Mountain Star StareI've returned from the Rocky Mountain Star Stare and a shake-down of the rig. Lots of stuff to share, including the revelation that you can have an electric blanket ANYWHERE, and lots of tips and tricks for...
- 2023 / 6 / 7168 10 Places to Hide Things, Li Jump Starts, Stacked Rocks, ChromebooksThis week, we wade into the troubled waters of recycling, and you may not like the conclusion. We'll also review an amazing portable fan, visit a mule, and go ghost hunting. This episode will also be a...
- 2023 / 6 / 1167 The Recycling Problem, Venty Fan, I&M Canal, Dick King’s GhostThis week, we wade into the troubled waters of recycling, and you may not like the conclusion. We'll also review an amazing portable fan, visit a mule, and go ghost hunting. This episode is also a YouTube...
- 2023 / 5 / 25166 10 Reasons NOT to Buy an Ambulance, Window Screens, Honk Honk, BIG Head, What Color Van?Here are 10 reasons NOT to buy an ambulance for conversion. And we'll also talk about why your van color matters, review a great window screen, visit YOUR big head, and hear a tale of honking. This episode...
- 2023 / 5 / 18165 Keeping Cabinets Closed, Bigfoot Encounter, Fake WAGOs, Umbrella Cover MuseumLet's talk about cabinets, and how to keep your stuff off the floor. Then, we'll visit a "very unique" museum, play with some electrical connectors, tell a very creepy story, and finally let Wonderhussy tell...
- 2023 / 5 / 10164 Vanlife is FOREVER, Awnings and Wind, Koreshan State Park, Solar String Lights, Suicide HotlineA bit of a rant against all of the negative Vanlife conent lately. Vanlife is forever! We'll also tell you how to keep your awnings safe from wind, visit a hollow-world cult site, review solar powered lights,...
- 2023 / 5 / 3163 Gray Water Solutions, Transfer Pump, Tale of Near Death, Glasgow MT, Owners ManualsI love thinking about gray water for some reason, but there are some interesting scenarios to share. I'll also review a specific type of water pump, visit the lonliest town in the US, tell a tale of a near...
- 2023 / 4 / 19162 What’s your TCO? Cold Starts, Randi Doll, Winter Island, Oblique StrategiesConsider your Total Cost of Ownership when buying a van! We'll also explore a great camping spot in New England, how to get out of a mental rut, whether you should allow your van to warm up, and we'll hear...
- 2023 / 4 / 12161 Time is a Resource, Backup Alarm, Eclipse Planning, Idle BatteriesWE'RE BACK! In this episode, we explain what happened, and what it means for YOU. We'll also review a strange backup alarm, visit a surreal landscape, get a surprising greeting at a door, and plan for the...
- 2023 / 3 / 8160 Selling Your Van, IKEA Tool Kit, SS Meteor, CarFaxThis week, we spend a lot of time talking about how to sell your van when that sad/happy day comes. We'll also recommend the IKEA tool kit, visit the SS Meteor, and explain how CarFax can help you. FIND US:...
- 2023 / 3 / 1159 Shipping Your Van, 20w Solar, Power as Money, A MAJOR AWARD, RainwaterWant to ship your van to Europe? Here's how to get started. We'll also test a 20w solar panel, explain a new way to look at power usage, visit A MAJOR AWARD, and collect some rainwater. FIND US: We're on...
- 2023 / 2 / 25158 Van Life Summit, Coroplast, Marathon Key, Electric Blanket, HipCampI attended the Project Vanlife Summit last week and have a full report. We'll also play with some Coroplast, visit a dead man's skull, fly on a very old plane, try out a 12v heated blanket, and talk about Hip...
- 2023 / 2 / 15157 A Bucket List Problem, Waggle, Washer Fluid Fun, Portland Observatory, GALAGA!Completing ones bucket list requires something: understanding what's on it. And that's not always easy. We'll also take a look at a pet monitoring solution, find creative uses for Washer Fluid, visit an odd...
- 2023 / 2 / 8156 YouTube Channels, Bumper Step, Frozen Battery, Dinosaur Footprints, Compass AppHow about a few YouTube channels to check out? And after that, why not visit some dinosaur footprints while keeping your battery warm enough to charge. And then you can use your compass app find your bumper...
- 2023 / 2 / 1155 Cheap Outfitting, Center of US, Schoolbus Story, Alfred Cam, E BrakesIt doesn't have to cost a lot to outfit your van. We'll talk about ways to get the stuff you need for cheap. We'll also discuss the importance of E-brakes, visit the "center of the United States," play with...
- 2023 / 1 / 28BONUS - Interview with FnA VanlifeFrankie and Alex left NYC and hit the road. Now, they find themselves in Costa Rica, and they took some time out from traveling to tell us about their journey, relationship, and what it's like to travel with...
- 2023 / 1 / 25154 No Propane?, Bring Fido, Antarctica Jobs, Rugs, Mystery KeyWhy have propane? We'll talk about why and why not and give options for those who don't want to cook with gas. We'll also explore Antarctica, rugs, places where dogs are welcome, and we'll encounter a...
- 2023 / 1 / 18153 Trivia!, Auxiliary Vehicles, VIN Decoding, USS Constitution, Garden State ParkwayJust for fun, let's do some trivia! 10 questions, some easy some hard. We'll also review cheap tablets, talk about how to have another vehicle in your van, decode your VIN and we'll visit the USS...
- 2023 / 1 / 13Bonus - Internet on the Road with goRoamThis episode is not sponsored in any way. Jess from goRoam contacted me to ask if I thought you folks might like to hear about her solution for Internet on the road, and when I found out what it was, I said...
- 2023 / 1 / 11152 YOUR Terms, Bar Shampoo, Honey Hollow, The Archway, Emergency ExitsThere are an awful lot of negative videos and posts about #vanlife lately. But they're missing one big thing: it's not about the van, it's about living life on your terms. We'll FINALLY review bar shampoo,...
- 2023 / 1 / 7151 Getting Started, Bodega Fridge, Blue Worms, Theft DeterrentReady for vanlife? How do you know? We take a look at how to get there. We'll also review a "cool" dual-zone refrigerator, find some blue worms, invent as simple way to protect your rig, and hear a tale from...
- 2022 / 12 / 28150 Getting Unstuck, K&N Filters, Flies, WEAM, Off Road PortalIt's the season for getting stuck, and we're going to talk about how NOT to get stuck, and what to do if youa do get stuck. We'll also review K&N Filters, talk about flies, and visit the not-safe-for-work...
- 2022 / 12 / 21149 The BEST Van! Collapsible Backpacks, Talking Cars, Kei Vans, Underwater VanIT HAS BEEN DECIDED: There is a "best" van, at least if you're looking to get the most miles for your money. We'll also visit Alligator Alley, stay in an underwater van, review a tiny backpack, and explain...
- 2022 / 12 / 14148 iPad Only? INVZI Charger, Free Freezer, Stuck Magician, A Love Song, Vintage PartsI did an experiment using only an iPad during extensive travel. Did it work? No! And Yes! We'll also try out a great USB charger, tell a tale of a magician in a pickle, talk about Winter's free freezer, and...
- 2022 / 12 / 8147 Cold Weather Vanlife, Colonia Del Sacramento, Parts, Windy.comCold weather has its challenges, even if you’re not in the deep freeze. Here are some ways to keep going. Also: will help you save your awning, Colonia Del Sacramento will charm you, and we’ll talk...
- 2022 / 12 / 1146 New Vans Are Coming! Separatec, Self-Heimlich, Diesel Heater While Driving?Lots of new vans are coming, but will they be good for #vanlife? We'll discuss. We'll also try out some Separatec underwear, have TWO "good" landings, talk about diesel heaters while driving, and talk...
- 2022 / 11 / 30Antarctica 2Folks, I appreciate your patience. Antarctica 1 will NOW work on Spotify! This is the last Antarctica episode - back to normal for the next one.
- 2022 / 11 / 20Antarctica 1Wow, it’s been hard to get connected! I’m back in Ushuaia now, and I’ll do one more Antarctica episode before returning to our regularly scheduled programming. And as promised, here is a picture from my cabin...
- 2022 / 11 / 1145 The JOY of Vanlife, Washboard Roads, Steps Revisited, Winchester Mystery House, Salem Witch MuseumSo many negative articles about Vanlife! But you know what? Vanlife is GREAT! Let's celebrate that this week. We'lll also visit two spooky places, explain washboard roads, and revisit small step stools that...
- 2022 / 10 / 26144 10 Myths of Vanlife, PD, Step Stool, Earplugs, Van + Deer, City MuseumSo much clickbait! Time for some more myths of #vanlife. We'll also have a (too) close encounter with a deer, find a way for better sleep, insist that you get this step stool, explain what PD USB is, and...
- 2022 / 10 / 19143 Value-Not Price, Converters, Ice Road, Lagun Leg, Tire Chains, Glow Plug WoesAfter a bit of news, we address the idea of "value" instead of "cost." What should you pay more for? We're also drive across Lake Superior, put chains on our tires, and explain the difference between...
- 2022 / 10 / 12142 HEAT, I80 Truck Stop, Serpentine Belts, AAA, Sprinters, More Bees!This week, we're going to take a broad look at ways to heat your van. What's important? What isn't? We're also going to look at AAA again, visit with some bees, stop at the world's largest truck stop, and...
- 2022 / 10 / 5141 Sudden Scamp, Chinese Diesel Heater Install, Hannah Duston MonumentA sudden trip replaced last week's podcast, but this week we reveal all: we have a new Scamp in our lives! We'll also talk in depth about installing our Chinese Diesel Heater, and we'll visit a complex and...
- 2022 / 9 / 21140 Composting Toilets, MICE!, Strange Bathroom, Wizard Island, Main FunctionMore info on "composting" toilets, we have mice in the Tikibago!, a strange bathroom encounter, visit Wizard Island, find a unique microwave, and consider what is the most important thing you're going to do...
- 2022 / 9 / 15139 Listener Feedback, Pirate House, FlexSeal, Baking SubstitutesLots of good stuff from listeners lately! Time to share. We'll also review Ally Bank, visit a Pirate Hours, tell the truth about FlexSeal, and review the virtual Ally Bank. For information on the Panama...
- 2022 / 9 / 7138 Where Are The Vans? Cheap Power Stations, Bar Shampoo, Playboy, BonesThere are fewer and fewer vans available in the US. What to do? We'll also look at "Cheap Chinese Power Stations," bar shampoo, visit some bones and see me in Playboy! For information on the Panama Canal...
- 2022 / 8 / 30137 NEWS, Wago Connectors, Shell Middens, Pepper Problem, SubwooferLots of news! Some of it may impact you. We'll also talk about Wago wire connectors, visit Maine, review a subwoofer, play with maps, and have a close encounter with excessive Scoville units. For...
- 2022 / 8 / 17136 Big Van or Little Van? Tripodometers, Walmart Fire, Nokian Outpost Tires, VR ExplorationWhich is better? Big van or little van? BOTH - we'll explain. We'll also review Nokian's Outpost Tires, talk about the tragic fire at Walmart, Tripodomters as fuel guages, and a way to walk through town from...
- 2022 / 8 / 10135 Is Vanlife a Felony?, House on the Rock, Worx Chainsaw, Rare GlassA new law in Tennessee makes it a FELONY to do normal #vanlife things. What does it mean for us? We'll also visit the must-see House on the Rock, try out a battery powered chainsaw, and find a place to help...
- 2022 / 8 / 3134 Tire Troubles, Household Switches, K&N Filters, NorthlandzNew tires? Great idea! But it's not as easy as it might seem. We'll also review K&N filters, visit the crazy place known as Northlandz, and explain why household switches might not be the best for your...
- 2022 / 7 / 27133 I This the End of Vanlife?, Rebecca Nurse Homestead, Conduit, Carr Hoop II StepAm I quitting vanlife? NO! But we're going to talk about the reasons people do, and what to do about it. We'll also review the Carr Hoop II step, visit Beaver, UT, take a look at Salem circa 1692, and talk...
- 2022 / 7 / 20132 Most Reliable Van, Bench Power Supply, Devils Icebox, Flexible Solar PanelsWhich is the most reliable van? It's not a brand, but more of a philosophy. We'll discuss. We'll also look at a regulated power supply, flexible solar panels, how to tell USB cables a part and a story...
- 2022 / 7 / 13131 Which Battery? Magnet Fishing, Off Dry, Aurora Project, Hurricane ProblemBatteries keep changing, so it's time for rundown on what's best for your rig. We'll also explore magnet fishing, get stuck in a hurricane at sea, recommend Off! Dry and explain what happened to the Aurora...
- 2022 / 7 / 6130 Rag and Bone Bufffet, Portable Pump, Drug Study, Hitch Helpers, Chazy Reef, Ice MakersThis week, it's a smorgasbord of unrelated news, tips, and details, none of which make up a full episode themselves. We'll also talk about the realities of ice makers, try out a battery powered pump, play...
- 2022 / 6 / 29129 FLY with Your Van (sorta)! WD-40, Antarctica, Cellular Trail Cam, Ants, Mark Twain HouseWhat if you could fly, rent a van, and then do an instant "no build"? YOU CAN. Let's talk about how. We'll also talk about how you're using WD-40 wrong, a trip to Antarctica, how to get rid of ants, a new...
- 2022 / 6 / 22128 Putting CARGO in your Van, Curt Hitch Rack, Hovercraft Trip, Timed Mapping, Rear RadioIt's going to happen: you're going to need your van to haul cargo. Here are some tips for avoiding ruining your rig. We'll also take a trip on a Hovercraft, consider putting a stereo security system in the...
- 2022 / 6 / 15127 Tips for Staying Put, Wilmington NC, Tornado Fan, Flood Stages, TPMSWhat if you're NOT Built to Go, but instead Built to Stay Put? That's fine! Here are some tips to make your stay better. We'll also visit Wilmington, NC, try out the RoadPro Tornado Fan, learn about how to...
- 2022 / 6 / 8126 Weird Vanlife Tips, Gravity Hill, Alternators, Screws, Bad Driving10 Weird Vanlife Tips! And we'll explain alternators, tell a tale about something stupid I did, visit Gravity Hill, and learn how to tell the difference between all kinds of screws. FIND US: We're on...
- 2022 / 6 / 1125 Which Gas is Best? , Starlink Arrives!, Starved Rock, The Holy Land Experience, A Close EncounterWhat does "octane" really mean? How about E-85? Let's get the right gas in your van. We'll also visit The Holy Land Experience, Starved Rock, have a close encounter of the feathered kind, and take a look at...
- 2022 / 5 / 18124 Ditch Diesel?, Radiators, Oregon Falls, Tolls, Big Skinny Wallets, Marine TrafficIs it Time to Ditch Diesel? I think it might be! We'll also visit some waterfalls, see some horrible nature, talk about radiators, ship spotting, tolls and wallets... but not in that order. FIND US: We're on...
- 2022 / 5 / 3123 Living Offline, Berkey Filters, Turbulence, Dr. Pepper Museum, Suspensions, Bird Sound IDWhat if you lived without the Internet? Appealing? Doable? Let's explore. We'll also review Berkey Filters, visit the Dr. Pepper Museum, have a mid-are adventure, learn how suspensions work, and ID birds by...
- 2022 / 4 / 27122 Vanlife With Pets, Portable Grills, Desert of Maine, Chromebooks, Crash Landing, Google DocsIt's like vans ought to come with a dog, but what about a cat? Or bird? Let's take a look so you know what you're getting into. We'll also take a look at two cute portable grills, visit a desert in Maine, and...
- 2022 / 4 / 20121 How to defeat mosquitos and ticks, stick on tiles, The Bermuda TriangleIt's Spring! I mean bug season. How can you keep these blood suckers away from you? We'll discuss some strategies. We'll aslo discuss those stick on tiles that seem very convenient. Worth it? Maybe. And we'll...
- 2022 / 4 / 13120 Minimialism Revisited, Sleep Sheets, Harold Parker, UHaul, PlantsHow am I doing at this minimalism thing? Eh, not great. Maybe you can learn from my experience. Also, we'll find some comfy sheets, learn to keep plants, rent a UHaul and have an amazing experience on...
- 2022 / 4 / 6119 Lessons from the Road, Kohree Toilet, Manything, UFOs, Tribune TowerThe Tikibago has landed, and the journey was as educational as it was arduous. Let's see what we can use from it. We'll also talk about a trick to keep you driving if your alternator dies, a Kohree toilet...
- 2022 / 3 / 30118 Tikibago Tribulations, 12v Fan, Great Camping Spot, Greywhater Revisited, Montana NiceThe #Tikibago and I are heading to Illinois, but it's been a rough road! We'll also talk about a great 12v fan, an odd greywater solution, of lovely FREE place to camp, and which apps will help you get out of...
- 2022 / 3 / 22117 TOILETS!, Geologist Cabin, Propane Tips, Fire Lighting, Amazon PrimeTOILETS! This is a list of all the different ways to deal with necessaries out on the road, including some new ones. We'll also talk about a volunteer cabin, how to not get ripped off when getting propane,...
- 2022 / 3 / 16116 The TIKIBAGO!, Old RVs, Boss Speaker, Firefly Fun, RV JobFolks, in this episode, I introduce a new project: the Tikibago! We'll also talk about the realities of old RVs, review the simplest way to get sound from your phone, visit some friendly fireflies, and tell...
- 2022 / 3 / 9115 The MOST Important Thing, ATTO, The Sky, MiniC ToyotasWhat a crazy week! It’s time to remember what the most important thing in #vanlife is! And no, it’s not fuel prices. We’ll also visit a FREE place that everyone can see, talk about old Toyota Motorhomes,...
- 2022 / 3 / 2114 VAN LAND, Undermount Vents, Kohree Fridge, Straved Rocks, Magic TaleShould you buy land for you van? Maybe! We’ll also discuss unusually placed vents, visit Starved Rock, review the Kohree Dual Zone Fridge-Freezer, and hear a tale about a Magician’s last stand. Old Starved...
- 2022 / 2 / 23113 Save Money on Fuel, O2 Cool Fan, 4 Way Stretch Carpet, Montenegro, Van Event ListYep. Record gas prices. Feh. Here are some things you can do to enjoy your vanlife without breaking the bank. We’ll also visit the heights of Kotor, talk about carpet for your walls, stay cool with a neat...
- 2022 / 2 / 16112 5 Ways to Pump Water, Aurora Nebraska, MaxxAir Fan 4500, LED Dome Lights, Tale of TroubleThere's more than one way to get water from a tank to your sink. We explore five of them. We'll also visit the oasis of Aurora, NE, review a specific MaxxAir Fan, and tell a terrible tale of towing and...
- 2022 / 2 / 9111 Top 10 Challenges, Dome Lights, Pistol Shrimp, Tatooine in CaliforniaThere are 10 challenges to vanlife (at least), and we’re going to spell them out and offer solutions. We’ll also visit Tatooine, play with mind-bending shrimp, remove our dome lights, and review Renogy Rover...
- 2022 / 2 / 2110 Building Without Carpentry, Water Flosser, Tonopah Mine Park, Driving Incident, Scout MindsetThis week, I expose a crazy idea for building out the van without carpentry, review a water flosser? Read Scout Mindset by Julia Galef, visit a mining museum, and perform a miracle in a 1977 Ford. Tonopah...
- 2022 / 1 / 26109 Reviews Revisited, Series vs. Parallel, State Farm, Setpower Fridge, Desert Porn?We’ve reviewed a lot of things, but how have they held up? We’ll take a look at a bunch of them. We’ll also visit a strange desert spot, reivew the Setpower AJ30 (sponsored), talk about how to wire solar...
- 2022 / 1 / 22Digital Nomad Phoebe Milward Talks Making Money While TravelingBONUS INTERVIEW: Digital Nomad Phoebe Milward Phoebe Milward is a bold digital nomad who's not afraid to pursue her dreams. At just 23, she's found a way to sustain her traveling lifetsytle through multiple...
- 2022 / 1 / 19108 Van Troubles, Apple AirTag, Merlin Bird ID, Bora Bora, C-Rate, Fish Creek WII am vanless! My van is at the dealer, and I don’t know when it’s coming back. This could be a whiny episode. BUT - we do review Apple AirTags, visit Bora Bora, talk about C-rate and play with some...
- 2022 / 1 / 12107 Heat Myths, Kallax, Death Jump, Planespotting, Podbean, Jump StartingSo many myths about heating your van! Let's debunk a few. And then we'll talk about putting IKEA Kallax in your van, jumping to your death, a great place for planespotting, jumps starting your van with your...
- 2022 / 1 / 5106 Drone Realities, Aluminum Cups, Plant Museum, Beach Find, What 3 WordsDrones are great! But boy, are they a hassle. We explain. We'll also drink from an aluminum cup, visit a plant museum that's neither, find something odd on a beach, and play with What3Words. The Henry B....
- 2021 / 12 / 29105 Cooperative Driving, Alligator Encounter, Ramblewood Cooktop, Coventry Cairns, BubblewrapAre you in a race? No! Let's help each other get where we're going! And then we can visit places like the mysterious cairns in Coventry Rhode Island. We can also fight condensation with bubble wrap, find out...
- 2021 / 12 / 22104 Staying Warm Without a Heater, Vermont, Propane Safety, Cave Adventure, Oculus Quest 2How do you stay warm in a van without a heater? Here are some ways… we’ll also review the Oculus Quest 2, visit Vermont… and a cave, in a hole, in the South Pacific. And we’ll have frank discussion about...
- 2021 / 12 / 15103 Building on the Road, Condensation, Razor UB1, Costco, the Lost CoastCan you make money from social media? YES. But there are things you need to know, and nothing's guaranteed. We'll also review the BlueDriver OBDII scanner, take a look at Nomadic News, visit Great Falls, and...
- 2021 / 12 / 8102 Making Money From Social Media, Spare Tires, Blue Driver Scanner, Great Falls, Nomadic News, BeesCan you make money from social media? YES. But there are things you need to know, and nothing's guaranteed. We'll also review the BlueDriver OBDII scanner, take a look at Nomadic News, visit Great Falls, and...
- 2021 / 12 / 1101 Good News for Vanlife, New England Aquarium, Nice Ladder, iOverlander Problem, The Lady in Black10 bits of GOOD NEWS for Vanlife! A visit to the New England Aquarium, a review of a nice ladder, an encounter with The Lady in Black, and a serious iOverlander Problem This episode has NEW MUSIC. If you'd...
- 2021 / 11 / 17100 Toilet Truths, Window Shades, Beeees, Crash Videos, Reflectix RevisitedYour composting toilet may be lying to you! We’ll review some great window shades, have a few close encounters with bees, and watch a lot of crash videos. Are you in Texas this December? Join me for a...
- 2021 / 11 / 10099 Recycling Revisited, Recirculating Showers, Baja California, Muli-Cord, COVID RestrictionsWe need to have a chat about recycling, and why in many cases recycling LESS is MORE. We’ll also visit Baja California, try out a “too good to be true” charging cable, find a way to sort though all the...
- 2021 / 11 / 3098 Troubleshooting, Tokyo Taxi, GasBuddy Card, Flex Paste, Cape Breton MiningTroubleshooting is a learnable skill! We'll discuss the basic concepts. We also install a MaxxAir Fan, try out some Flex Paste, visit a Canadian Mine, annoy a Tokyo Hack, and use the GasBuddy Card to save...
- 2021 / 10 / 27097a A Week Off, PantophobiaApologies, but I need to take a week off and focus on some other things. I’ll be back next week with more #vanlife goodness! In the meantime, you may be interested in this episode of Pantophobia, a podcast I...
- 2021 / 10 / 20097 ENOUGH, Sacagawea‘s Anatomy, Van Scam, That IS a Knife, Morton ArboretumHow do you know when you have enough? Your van can get you there. We also review a versatile knife, revisit the ATEM Power charger, expose a van scam, closely examine Sacagawea, visit some amazing trees, and...
- 2021 / 10 / 13096 Winter Worries, Timberline Lodge, The Witch City, Great Shoes, Windshield CracksWinter is nearly here - are you ready? Here are some things you may not have thought of. We'll also visit the Timberline Lodge (Shining Hotel), try out some great shoes, visit the "Witch City" and deal with...
- 2021 / 10 / 6095 10 Reasons Vans Suck, Broke Down Again! 12v Vacuum, Birds of Vermont, ForumsOk, vans clearly DON’T suck, but there are lot of annoyances, and I feel it would therapeutic to list 10 of them. Also, I review a vacuum cleaner that doesn’t suck - or rather does… er… and we see some...
- 2021 / 9 / 29094 Games To Play on the Road, Detectors, 12v PD, Hear Here, Tree of Utah, Ticket SubscriptionLet's play some games while we drive! Safely! We'll also review a great way to charge your laptop with 12v, hear stores from around the country, get pulled over in New York, explore detectors, and hear a bit...
- 2021 / 9 / 22093 Is VANLIFE Safe? ATEM Charger, Loneliness, GREAT 12v Video, Chicago Magic LoungeIf you are in need of Domestic Violence assistance, help is available here: With the recent news coverage, some folks have come to think of #vanlife as dangerous. Is it really? We...
- 2021 / 9 / 15092 Freak Flag! Kohree Fridge, Butt Connectors, Old Sow, Speedometer Pro, Not Broke Down, NO insulationStealth no more! Let that freak flag fly! And we'll visit a wet, noisy place, play with an app that tells you how fast your going (!), live without insulation, review the Kohree fridge/freezer, connect some...
- 2021 / 9 / 8091 RV or Van? Roadside America, Breaking Down, MyJo, Microwave?Better sound, I hope? Should you consider an RV? Yes, but that doesn't mean you should get one. And we review the MyJo manual Keurig, look into Microwaves, extol Roadside America and float a van without a...
- 2021 / 9 / 2090 Experiment! 10 Things They Don‘t Tell You, Sandhill Cranes, Hall Ammeter, Rolling Ice, Deadly TruckHey, I know the sound is terrible. I did this podcast as a video - and I REALLY need to work on the audio if this is going to work. But - here are 10 things they don't tell you about #vanlife, a death truck,...
- 2021 / 8 / 25089 Why Do They Hate Us? RivNuts, Ringing Rocks, Baloney Detection, A ChallengeWhy do people automatically hate those of us living in vehicles? Let's take a look. We'll also find out when to use RivNuts, use a resource to detect people lying to us, visit some musical rocks, and hear a...
- 2021 / 8 / 18088 Time to Quit? 200ah Battery, Bulb America, Woolly Mammoth, Pulling to the Right, High TimesIs it time to give up? How to tell, and why you shouldn't. We'll also review the AmpereTime 200ah LiFePO4 battery, find a great resource for lightbulb identification, get intoxicated in a Winnebago, pull to...
- 2021 / 8 / 11087 Selling a Van, FlexSeal, Spring Mountain Ranch, Bolt TrickPagurus is sold! Here's how I did it, and how you can do it too. We'll also review FlexSeal, Remove bolts we can't reach, visit a Howard Hughes Retreat, and find bargains at IKEA. FIND US: We're on Facebook...
- 2021 / 8 / 4086 Health on the Road, Cutting Straight, Last Buffalo Hunt, Boss Elite Stereo, STUPID TaleI've spent some time in the hospital recently, and though "What if I were out in the van?" Let's talk about that. Also, we'll review an interesting stereo, visit a sad landmark, and learn how to cut straight....
- 2021 / 7 / 28085 High or Low Top? Honey Hollow, Hand Saw, Re-build Woes, NewsI currently have a high top AND a low top - time to do the pros and cons thing! We'll also NOT visit Honey Hollow in Vermont, review a battery powered saw, explain why buying something previously built is...
- 2021 / 7 / 21084 Used Van Woes, Plastic Razor Blades, Goof Off, Canton SD, Clip ResourceYou should carefully vet a used vehicle before you buy it, including research and inspection. But even then, we have a cautionary tale... We'll also play with plastic razor blades, get disappointed by Goof...
- 2021 / 7 / 14083 Propane or Batteries? Cawker City, The Mattress, Least Icky Toilet, Dome Light Power, Amarine Switch BlockCan you have a rig with just electric and no propane? Sure! But do you want to? We look at the pros and cons of electric and LPG and make a recommendation. We'll also visit Cawker City, KS, home of a few odd...
- 2021 / 7 / 7082 Sprinter Lawsuit, XX Starts Countdown, Dometic Cassette Toilet, Midwest Petroglyphs, Free CuttingIf you own or have ever owned a 2010-2016 Sprinter, you may have a check coming - a BIG one... and how can you avoid the "countdown of doom" on your diesel dashboard? We review the 2.6 gallon Dometic cassette...
- 2021 / 6 / 30081 New Van Already? Shore Power Auto Eject, No Cook Meals, Coffee Sacks, Do As I Say, Not As I Do!Have you noticed that your favorite #vanlife folks don't actually keep their vans very long? Let's explore that... and also enjoy some no-cook meals during these hot days. And lest we drive away while hooked...
- 2021 / 6 / 22080 10 Weird Tips, The Basin, Brita Stream, Cautionary Tale, Fuses and WiresTime for a listicle! 10 tips you may not have seen before. We'll also visit Thoreau's favorite spot in New England, review the Brita Stream, tell a tale of car mechanics and endagered kids, and explain the...
- 2021 / 6 / 16079 Dealing with Urine, This to That, Mermet Springs, Compleats, Oil ChangesPee pee. Wee. Piddle. Whatever you call it, you have to deal with it, and we're going to talk about how. We'll also visit the unexpected Mermet Springs, try some Compleats meals, recommend a oil change...
- 2021 / 6 / 9078 How Cruising is Like Vanlife, Self-Tapping Screw Problem, An Ambulance? Fairbanks Museum, Taxi TaleRecorded on a ship - sorry for the ocean sounds! I recorded this aboard the Celebrity Millennium, the first cruise ship to sail from North America since the pandemic. And you know what? IT'S JUST A BIG VAN!...
- 2021 / 6 / 2077 Breaking Down, Harvest Hosts, Odd VSR Benefit, Lies Across America, Sacramento Pass BLMIn which I breakdown... twice! And what I did to get back on the road. We'll also review Harvest Host, discuss a way that VSR gives you MORE battery capacity, stay at the Sacramento Pass BLM area, and learn...
- 2021 / 5 / 25076 Rest Area Legality, USB C Variants, African Police Encounter, Wolfwise Tent, Bob Ross, ERG 2020I love sleeping in rest areas. Is it legal? Well, sorta? No? Maybe. We'll discuss. I'll also eat some crow over some USB advice, tell the tale of an encounter with displeased Zambian police officers, review...
- 2021 / 5 / 19075 Free Vanlife Activities, Drain Traps, Cliff Walk, Custom Wood, Art-O-Mat, Military SurplusVanlife isn't free, but you can do a bunch of amazing things for no cost. We give you 10 ideas. We'll also explore drain traps, hear a tale from Wales about a cliff walk, review Bidlacks Bowls and More, learn...
- 2021 / 5 / 12074 Solar Generators, El Crater, Butane Safety, Vinyl Floors, Leveling, Texas Alien"Solar Generators" are coming down in price, but should you use one? We'll give you the pros and cons. We'll also take a look at a new safer butane canister, have lunch at an active volcano, learn how to...
- 2021 / 5 / 5073 AAA Trouble, Bob Wells, Doggo Driver, Battery Review, Illinois Locks, Vinegar Wash?Have AAA? What if when you call they say "NO." It can happen. We'll also take a look at vinegar and what it is and isn't good for, recommend you check out Bob Wells, get stared down by a doggo, have a a first...
- 2021 / 4 / 28072 An Odd Thing, Lighting, Dismalites, Reconciliation Park, Rest Areas, Vallentuna BedSorry this is late - the first part of the podcast explains why. And then we discuss lighting for your rig, visit Reconciliation Park in Tulsa Oklahoma, take a tour with the Dismalites, consider sleeping at a...
- 2021 / 4 / 21071 JOY of vanlife, Gator Eyes, Bar Fight, Dismalites, CRAZY Cheap Power Centers, Nomadic PantryNo negativity! Let's talk about what a JOY #vanlife is! And we'll also visit some drooling insects, find ourselves in a bar fight, find some CRAZY good prices on "solar generators," review some innovative...
- 2021 / 4 / 14070 Why Do This? Submersible Pumps, Chazy Reef, Kotor Drive, VIN Lookups, CPAP MachinesWhat is your mission? Why do you want to take to the road? We ask the questions that demand answers. We'll also review submersible pumps, visit an ancient reef, hang of a cliff in a tour bus, find out what...
- 2021 / 4 / 7069 No Garage? No Problem, Stove Wind Deflector, Ghost Town, Spring Finder, 12v Sockets, Strange KindnessWant to build but have no garage or even a driveway? It can be done, we'll talk about how. We'll also explain the history of why 12v sockets are terrible, visit a ghost town, and hear a tale about strangers...
- 2021 / 3 / 31068 Auroras!, Bamboo Paper Towels, Cathedral State Park, Next Exit, Pizza DeliveryThis week, I ask you to indulge me as I discuss my "Aurora" project, and plans for its future. It's a bit more personal than usual. We'll also review bamboo paper towels, visit some old trees, find out what's...
- 2021 / 3 / 26Special Episode: Frank Olito #vanlife InterviewFrank Olito, reporter for, was intrigued by #vanlife. He rented a nicely built-out van and hit the road. What happened next was unexpected and we can learn from his experience. We also discuss...
- 2021 / 3 / 24067 Vanlife Myths? Hail! A Balloon of Note, Endoscopes, The Knock in the NightLet's take a look at some common "#vanlife myths. Are they all myths? And we'll visit a site in Oregon where a balloon created strange history, play with endoscope, tell a tale of "the knock," and share a...
- 2021 / 3 / 17066 Where are the Vans? MacBook Air M1, Free Audiobooks, Prepare for No Internet, Tree in a RockWhy can’t we get the “cool” vans in the US? And why is it so hard to find ANY van in the us right now? We’ll also take a look at the MacBook Air M1, a great #vanlife computer, prepare for NOT having Internet,...
- 2021 / 3 / 10065 Anxiety, McFarthest Spot, A Magic Trick, Smart Alternators, Button LampsIs Anxiety stopping you from doing what you want? You're not alone. But there are ways to beat it. We'll also talk about Smart Alternators, Button Lamps, and explain a magic trick that you can do... when...
- 2021 / 3 / 3064 Best Microvan, Mold Mitigation, Ships in Philly, Frozen Firefighting, Idiot DrivingWhat's the best Microvan to convert? We have answers! We'll also have a frank talk about mold, visit some historic ships in Philadelphia, review CHEAP LED flares, and make a big mistake driving in the...
- 2021 / 2 / 24063 Nomandland, Dome Lights, Advanture Magazine, Ravens Grin Inn, Hand Power, Vapor BarriersNomadland! It's the movie everyone is talking about, but a few folks don't understand. We'll try to explain why reactions are so polarized. We'll also visit the Raven's Grin Inn, browse through Advanture...
- 2021 / 2 / 17062 Winter Driving, Alexander Keiths, Catalytic Converters, Jackson Pollock, LED FlareYou can run from the snow, but you can't necessarily hide from it. Here's a quick guide in how to drive and survive it. We'll also visit a time warp brewery, discuss the treasure chest under your vehicle, try...
- 2021 / 2 / 10061 Real Vanlife, Sacha Lodge, Shoes, Radio Garden, PanelingAre you part of "REAL" #vanlife? We have the answer. We'll also visit a place with no vans, find a place for shoes, build a van without insulation, review wainscoting paneling and take a trip through Radio...
- 2021 / 2 / 3060 The Joys of Shore Power, Hope Cemetery, VanLab, Squeaky the Van, Getting PackagesNothing beats shower power! We talk about how to use it, where to find it, and how to get it in your van. We'll also visit a sculpture garden filled with dead people, review VanLab, a "build in a box"...
- 2021 / 1 / 27059 Do you need a van? 12v Kettle, Cemeteries, Choosing a Battery, Who will install?Do you nee a van for #vanlife? We say: NO. In fact, you may have everything you need to hit the road today. We'll also offer a simple guide to battery buying, a story about a nice guy finishing last, and...
- 2021 / 1 / 20058 Electric Vans, Musical Roads, Geyser Shower System, Screens, Sudden Acceleration, Car TalkThe electric vans are coming! Will they be good for #vanlife? We'll also travel down a musical road, catch up with the Tappet Brothers, nearly kill a coworker, review the Geyser Shower System and find ways to...
- 2021 / 1 / 13057 Sick on the Road, Deer Whistles, Online Community, A Fine Book, UrbEx in OhioI'm back after a week of quarantine, and have some thoughts about being sick in a van (which I wasn't). Also, we'll explore deer whistles, finding community online, report on a great #vanlife book, and do a...
- 2021 / 1 / 7056 - Catching COVID-19, Minivan Considerations, Alaska and the Mayans, OddmentsFolks, I contracted COVID-19 at the end of 2020 - a final parting gift. As such, I was unable to produce a normal episode as I can speak for a long time, can’t think much at all, and only have my iPad with me...
- 2020 / 12 / 30055 Guns, Ausable Chasm, Refilling Propane Tanks, Winter Solar, Shop4Seats, MythbustersShould you have a gun in your van? We present the pros and cons, and reveal our bias. We'll also visit Ausable Chasm, talk about refilling disposable propane tanks, maximize solar power in winter, take a look...
- 2020 / 12 / 23054 Safety Tips, Door Steps, Atlas Obscura, 12v Kettles, RodentsThis week, we're focussing on safety tips that DON'T involve someone messing with you and your van. You know, the ones that are much more likely to kill you. We'll also try to keep mouse rats out of our rigs,...
- 2020 / 12 / 16053 Cube Vans, Dismals Canyon, Crank Radios, Alternator Upgrade, Sizing Bolts, Salem MonsterMoving in to the new place has taught me some realities of vanlife, especially regarding cube vans. We'll visit some amazing biology, review hand crank radios, talk about upgrading alternators, a tool for...
- 2020 / 12 / 9052 INSULATION!, Chain of Rocks Bridge, 2nd Monitors, Far Out Ride, Fuse Blocks, Check that E-BrakeYep, it's time to talk about Insulation. Flames accepted. We'll also discuss tapping into fuse blocks, review a USB monitor, visit a famous movie site, plug and hear a "hot"...
- 2020 / 12 / 2051 How to build your van, Saguaro National Park, UCO Candles, Charging Laptops, OctaneYou've got your empty van. Now what? We're here to help - here's a method for getting things going and staying the course. We'll also visit Saguaro National Park, check out UCO Candles, learn how to charge...
- 2020 / 11 / 25050 Fifty #VANLIFE Tips/Tricks/Hacks/Dupes and a bit of news.Thanks for helping us get to 50 episodes! This time, we're taking a break from our normal format and presenting you with 50 #vanlife tips, and some news. Thanks for listening, and here's to another...
- 2020 / 11 / 18049 Full Size Vans Compared, 4-Way Stretch Fabric, Starter vs. Leisure Batteries, Coral Castle,, Possum 2Which full-size van should you choose? Let's take a look... We'll also review 4-way stretch fabric, ride on the Possum 2, visit Coral Castle, explore, and invite folks to send their own Tales From...
- 2020 / 11 / 11048 Skoolies, Ambulances, Etc., Velcro Fix, Magnet Phone Holder, ZimZam, How Much Solar?Why not get a School Bus? Or an Ambulance? Step Van? RV???!!! We take a look at the pros and cons. Also, a fix for melting Velcro, magnetic phone holders, adventures in ZimZam, and how much solar should you...
- 2020 / 11 / 4047 Are you Ready? Frisbees, FastCap, Oriental Institute, Air Bag IssuesWe have 5 ways to check to see if you're ready for vanlife. We also explore alternate uses for Frisbees, talk about FastCaps, visit the Oriental Institute and talk about air bag issues. 5 things to check to...
- 2020 / 10 / 28046 Crashing Your Rig, Command Hooks, No Heat Winter, Drive Ins, Tire Warning Light, Finding Junk YardsYou hope it will never happen, but what if it does? You have to plan for a crash, and maybe having knives on a magnetic strip isn't a great idea. Also, we'll visit the Drive-In, talk about Command Strips,...
- 2020 / 10 / 21045 Reasons NOT to do #Vanlife, Arco Idaho, Idling for Power, Wikipedia for Research, Condiments, Electric Vans, Gift IdeasAn article claims there are 20 Reasons to NOT do Van Life, but are there really? Let's take a look. We'll also explore some new electric vans, talk about condiment packets, visit Arco, Idaho, and use...
- 2020 / 10 / 14044 Electric Cooking, LLBean, KBB, Tow Truck Chase, Van Weight, Sea Eagle 370Yes, you can cook with household electric appliances if you're careful! Some are better than others. We'll visit LL Bean, talk about Kelly Blue Book, get chased by a Tow Truck, discuss van weight, and review...
- 2020 / 10 / 7043 Toll Problems, Rain-X, Video Game Tour, Don't Cover These!, Clem and the Police, Internet SavingsA letter from Kansas prompted me to rant a bit about toll problems in the US. We also discuss RainX, doing a Video Game Tour, point out things in your van that you shouldn't cover up, tell a tale of Clem and...
- 2020 / 9 / 30042 Reconsidering Stealth, Smooth 4, Purgatory Chasm, New ProMaster Features, Removing Spray FoamIs Stealth a myth? No, but it's not what people think. We'll also visit a natural wonder in Massachusetts, talk about the Smooth 4 Gimbal, commiserate about needing to remove spray foam, and point out a...
- 2020 / 9 / 23041 Winterizing, Garden of the Gods, Solar Bag Shower, OBDII ScannersWinter is coming, but that's no reason to stop #vanlife. We'll visit some of the gods living in Illinois, talk about solar shower bags, OBDII port scanners, and listen to an odd tale of physics. In this...
- 2020 / 9 / 16040 Vanlife Ethics, Bishop Castle, Floor First, Fakespot, Electric Heat?Choose the adventure! Tell me where to go and what to do, and I'll comply. New Facebook Group: In this episode, we ask some hard questions about the ethics...
- 2020 / 9 / 9039 A Shower for ANY Van, Rhode Island,, Sea Eagle 370, Air CompressorsChoose the adventure! Tell me where to go: Poll closing soon! New Facebook Group: I *think* we've come up with a way for you to...
- 2020 / 9 / 5BONUS: The Music of Built to GO! with Simon WaggThis bonus content, we explore the music of the episodes and interview Simon Wagg, the composer. This episode contains no #vanlife content. To reach Simon Wagg, you can email him at:...
- 2020 / 9 / 2038 10 Obscure #vanlife Tips, Pyramid near St. Louis, a trip down a Burning Highway, Step Bit, Hammocks.Some tips don't fit in any category, so we're lumping them together in our 10 Obscure #vanlife tips. We'll also travel down a burning highway, visit the largest pyramid north of Mexico, explain how step bits...
- 2020 / 8 / 26037 Vanlife with NO VAN, Harbor Freight, No Build Beds, Ice Fishing, Cheap Wheel CoversVan's are getting pricey and hard to find. But you can do #vanlife without one! We also take a look at cheap tool superstore Harbor Freight, consider no-build beds, dream about ice fishing, and decide that...
- 2020 / 8 / 19036 Emergency Kit, Sink Theory 101, Camp Soap, RV Hall of Fame, OutdoorsyWhat's in your emergency kit? Here are some things you may not have thought of. We'll also delve into Sink Theory 101, extol the virtues of Camp Soap, visit the RV Hall of Fame, and talk about how Outdoorsy...
- 2020 / 8 / 12035 2WD Off-Roading, Installing Windows, GoPro Hero 8, Dogtown, Foresty Forest, Drunk Sleeping?2WD Off-Roading is possible! But know what you're in for. Installing windows is pretty easy and we'll tell you how, the GoPro Hero 8 is reviewed, visiting Dogtown, checking out Foresty Forest, and is drunk...
- 2020 / 8 / 5034 VENTILATE OR DIE! Backup Cameras, News?, GasOne Stove, Salem Trip, Avenza Maps, LevelingVENTILATE OR DIE! Yes, ventilation is very important. Also, all about Backup Cameras, should we have News?, A review of the GasOne Stove, a trip to Salem MA, the Avenza Maps App, and Leveling for...
- 2020 / 7 / 29033 Top10 Money-Saving Tips, Dead People in the NV Desert, Left Arm Saver, Dog Bowl Review, Cumberland Fog MysteryTop 10 ways to save money in your van! Plus, a visit to the NV desert, a review of dog bowl sinks, a GREAT idea for saving your left arm, and a mystery tale in Cumberland, Maryland. COVID-19: This the BEST...
- 2020 / 7 / 22032 Alternative Air Conditioning, Black Water, Currant, NV, Coughlan's Toaster, Alien Cemetery, Informed DeliveryOk, you've given up on household air conditioning, what about those "AS SEEN ON TV" solutions? We discuss. We'll also visit an alien's grave, a ghost town, talk about black water, review a toaster, and tell...
- 2020 / 7 / 13031 BIG SOLAR EPISODE, Fort Ransom, Will Prowse, Writing Rock, AC in a Van?Lots of questions about solar power, so this episode breaks format a bit and focuses on how solar works, what you need, and whether you really need it. Also, a visit to Fort Ransom, ND, an unsatisfying tale...
- 2020 / 7 / 8030 Contest Winner, Troubleshooting with Occam, Encounter at Standing Rock, Brown Signs.We announce the winner of our contest, troubleshoot with Lord Occam, have an encounter at Standing Rock and point out the importance of brown signs. COVID-19 is growing stronger, but we can still travel! We...
- 2020 / 7 / 1029 Travel During COVID, Ground Wires, Dometic Toilet, Commercial Truck Trader, Timberline Lodge, Boat Ramp StoryCOVID-19 is growing stronger, but we can still travel! We just need to do a few things different. We'll also discuss the important of ground wires, review a Dometic toilet, joyously recommend...
- 2020 / 6 / 24028 High or Low Top? Gillette Castle, Oregon Coast, Curtain Divider, Ikea Eket, American VanHigh top or low top? That IS the question this week, and while high tops have a lot of appeal, low tops have a place as well. We'll also visit Gillette Castle, the Oregon Coast, and review Ikea Eket and...
- 2020 / 6 / 18027 Van Security, Amazon Fire HD 8, Salvage One, "Free" Water Pump, Auroras, Rock AutoHow can you secure your van? Not personal security, but keeping people out of your van! The Amazon Fire HD 8 has a cool secret, and Salvage One is an interesting place to visit in Chicago. Would like a free...
- 2020 / 6 / 11026 Pre-Built Vans, Stanley Cook Kit, Proper Screwing, Post-COVID HighwaysWhat if you'd rather just buy a van? We talk about the realities, some of them harsh. We'll also review the Stanley Cook Kit (it's great!), talk about how to screw properly (really) and I'll tell the tale of...
- 2020 / 5 / 26025 Top 10 Vanlife Tips, House on the Rock, Van Kits, Choose My AdventureAnother Top 10? Who knows—but here are some tips about #vanlife that might help you make decisons. A House on the Rock (and so much more), Pre-made Camper Kits, a Choose My Own Adventure Idea, Free Templates,...
- 2020 / 5 / 20024 Top Vanlife Myths, SS Badger, Laundry, Solar Controllers, A Storm, Travels with CharleyTop 10? Who knows - but here are some myths about #vanlife that need to go away. A moving highway? Yes, it exists and it's called the "Badger." How do the pros do laundry? Infrequently. And we'll explain the...
- 2020 / 5 / 14023 Working From the Road, Moon Oklahoma, Insurance MattersCan you work while living and traveling in a van? Of course you can! And there are more opportunities than you might imagine. I tell tales from the light and dark sides of Moon, Oklahoma, and spend a lot of...
- 2020 / 5 / 5022 Minimalism, Van Kittens, Curtis Tow Hitches, Starry Meadows, FWD-AWD-4WD, Texas Death MarchMinimalism? Yes, but what kind? An exploration... also, we review Curtis Tow Hitches, take a look at drive options for different vans, take a death march through Texas, and invite you to visit Starry Meadows,...
- 2020 / 4 / 29021 Video Games in Your Van, Winter Island, Easy Shower, Roadside America, Electric Dry BoxVideo games in your van? YES! Here's how. Also, an electric dry box, an easy shower solution, Winter Island: the place to stay for a visit to Salem, MA and Roadside America, the only tourist guide you...
- 2020 / 4 / 23020 The Goldfish Metaphor, Getting Rid of Single-use Plastic, a Nice Drain, Mitchell Indian Village, Fear of Wires, a Van with no DriverHow a goldfish teaches us what's important about the #vanlife community, can you have a plastic-free van?, review of the Camco Flexible Camper Drain, getting over the fear of wires, a visit to a cool...
- 2020 / 4 / 16019 What COVID Teaches Us About VanLife, Bulkheads/Partitions, Switch Solution, Tiny Inverters, Craters of the MoonSick of hearing about COVID-19? We get it, but it does give us a chance to take a look at ourselves and evaluate our assumptions. We'll talk about bulkheads/partitions, explore one switching solution, and...
- 2020 / 4 / 8018 Strange Ways to Cook, Iowa 80, No Slip Gel Mat, Water Filter Alternative, Lost In a SwampWhy not cook weird? We explore ways to cook without the normal things, including some without heat! We'll also talk about the two-container system for filter-free fresh water, a review of the Tree Frog Gel...
- 2020 / 3 / 28017 Mistakes I've Made, Propane Matters, B52 Crash Site, Determination, Window SocksMistakes, I've made a few, but then again, not too few to mention. Learn from this! Also, a discussion of propane considerations, a review of Window Socks, a B52 Crash Site, and talk of...
- 2020 / 3 / 20016 SEX!, COVID-19 Resources, Windows (or not), Diamond Mind, One Strange TripYes, it's the SEX IN A VAN episode you've all been waiting for. Haven't you? Also, some very important COVID-19 resources, a diamond mine you can visit, whether you should install windows or not, and a really...
- 2020 / 3 / 11015 Air Conditioning, LED lights, Standing Mats, Lincoln Highway, Finding TiresWant AC in your van? Don't we all. We discuss why most people just choose to drive north and turn on a fan. We also explain LED lights, extol the virtues of standing mats, explore the Lincoln Highway and find...
- 2020 / 3 / 5014 COVID-19 and Vanlife, Smugglers Notch, Nice Table, Heater Woes, Wire GuageWelcome! In this episode, we pre-empt our scheduled topic and talk about the current COVID-19 scare. (Wash your hands!) We'll also discuss wire gauges, a cool table, heater woes and the idyllic Smugglers...
- 2020 / 2 / 27013 Surviving the Freeze, Diesel Parking Heaters, Hot Hands, Enjoying the WinterWelcome! In this episode, we talk about surviving the Wisconsin winter, van style. We'll discuss diesel parking heaters, and how Hot Hands can be a good friend on a cold night. Also, we encounter a night-time...
- 2020 / 2 / 19012 Parking Spot Apps, CarPlay, 12v Microwave, Enchanted Highway, YMCA of the RockiesIn this episode, we explain how to find places to park, talk about a 12v microwave oven, review Apple CarPlay, take a trip down the Enchanted Highway and invite you to visit YMCA of the Rockies Parking Apps...
- 2020 / 2 / 13011 Stealth Vans, Ventilations, Ace of Clubs House, ScanGauge II, ReStoreFebruary 5, 2020 Welcome! In this episode, we discuss realties and myths of "Stealth Vans," the ins and outs of ventilation, a crazy place to visit in Texarkana, a really useful dashboard device, and a great...
- 2020 / 2 / 5010 Security, SHURflo Electric Faucet, Multitools, Being Stupid, Racetrack PlayaWelcome! In this episode, we discuss security in your rig, why you should have a multitool, the ShurFlo electric faucet, how to be stupid in the desert, and Racetrack Playa TALES FROM THE ROAD: Don't do this...
- 2020 / 1 / 29009 Coffee!, Plants, Detectors, Olympian Wave 3Welcome! In this episode, we discuss COFFEE, which detectors you should have, a review of the Camco Olympian Wave 3, and a discussion of pet plants. TALES FROM THE ROAD: A break down, a good Samaritan, and a...
- 2020 / 1 / 23008 Food Storage, Wall Coverings, A Bad Story, Luling, TXWelcome! In this episode, we discuss storing food, what to cover walls with, a place that smells bad but tastes good, and a disappointing visit to an interesting place. TALES FROM THE ROAD: Aurora, Indiana...
- 2020 / 1 / 15007 Loneliness, Inverters, Sunstone Mining, Wind DeflectorsWelcome! In this episode, we discuss loneliness, if you really need an inverter, Sunstone Mining and a review of Window Deflectors TALES FROM THE ROAD: Aurora Maine, land of blueberries (and where our title...
- 2020 / 1 / 9006 Which Van, Floors, Echo Auto, Strange use for old tech, Meow WolfWelcome! In this episode, we discuss ways to how to choose the right van, how to build your floor, Echo Auto, a weird thing I discovered one sleepy day, Meow Wolf and a few other things... TALES FROM THE...
- 2020 / 1 / 2005 Keeping Clean, Peep Holes, Ottoman Beds, City MuseumWelcome! In this episode, we discuss ways to keep clean, peep holes, ottoman beds, the City Museum, and an app to help you stay away from bad weather while you're driving. TALES FROM THE ROAD: Montreal...
- 2020 / 1 / 2004 Ikea, Solar vs. Split Charge, Dogbowl Sink, Bangor MaineWelcome! In this episode, we discuss using Ikea in your van, solar vs. split charge relays, and dogbowl sinks. TALES FROM THE ROAD: A twin at Lowes What do you do when you see a near copy of your van in the...
- 2020 / 1 / 2003 Toilets, Sound Deadening, I-70 Encounter, Ventline Vanair, Sanibel Causeway IslandsWelcome back! In this episode, we discuss lavatory possibilities, the necessity of sound deadening, and unwelcome encounter on I-70, the Ventline Vanair and Sanibel's causeway islands. Some toilet...
- 2020 / 1 / 1002 Staying Warm, First Thing You Should Buy, Indiana Dunes, Saving Hotel CostsWelcome! In this episode, we discuss staying warm during the cold months, the first (and most important) thing you should buy for your van build, Indiana Dunes, and how I spent my first night in the...
- 2019 / 12 / 18001 Intros, Dry Lakes, 12v Oven, Backup BatteriesWelcome! In this episode we do some necessary introductions. My name is Jeff Wagg and I converted a 2014 Nissan NV200 SV into a stealth camper van. Though I'm not living in it full time, I've traveled coast...