podcast image for Built To Go! A #Vanlife Podcast
Built To Go! A #Vanlife Podcast

Built to Go is your #vanlife companion for long days on the road, working on your rig, or just relaxing by that perfect spot. Self-build? Living in your vehicle? Stealth Van? Our magazine format has something for every #vanlife interest.

  • 2025 / 3 / 5
    249 Leave No Trace, Hotel Callifornia, Li Ion, Trackers, T-Shirt Story 2

    Do you leave no trace? Let's talk about it. We'll also visit the Hotel California, look at Android Trackers, and find a place to buy vans. Oh, and there's a t-shirt.  If you're looking for my personal...

  • 2025 / 2 / 27
    248 10 Dangerous Things, 3M Security Film, Caravan Trick, CANADA, Remote Jobs

    What's your biggest fear? I'll bet it's not what's actually dangerous. We'll take a look at vanlife ways to die. We'll also review 3M security film, explore a hidden feature of Dodge Caravans, hear a tale...

  • 2025 / 2 / 19
    247 Boondocking, USB Light, Lost Luggage, Fire

    A Boondocking build makes a lot of sense, whether you plan to use campgrounds or not. And we'll take a look at USB lighting, visit some lost luggage, and nearly displace over 200 people into the cold Chicago...

  • 2025 / 2 / 13
    246 10 Vanlife Myths, Elegear Pad, Glacial Grooves, Cooking Gases, Vanning While Disabled

    Do you believe these myths? It's OK if you do-but here's why I don't. We'll also look at a really comfortable sleeping pad, visit a geologic wonder, explain LPG vs. Propane vs. Butane vs. Natural Gas, and...

  • 2025 / 2 / 4
    245 NOW is the Time, Rust Converter, Moose, Boxio, A Plate of Bacon

    This is an unedited podcast produced by narcotics and sheer will. Now is the time to build your van and hit the road! Really! We'll also talk about rust converters, moose watching, a simple sink solution,...

  • 2025 / 1 / 22
    244 Surviving Uncertainty, Frozen Vehicles, Parc Omega, Amazon Haul, Van Crash

    We live in uncertain times! What to do? Here's a list of 10 things that might help. We'll also fix our frozen van, explore a winter wonderland, give Amazon Haul a try, and find some ambience.  If you're...

  • 2025 / 1 / 16
    243 The One Thing You Need Most, Dirty Solar Panels, Benjaman Kyle, UFO Landing, Door Edges

    The most important thing is something you already have! Or not... but you need to find out. We'll also visit at UFO landing pad, have an encounter at Burger King, protect our neighbors and find out how NOT to...

  • 2025 / 1 / 8
    242 THE BEST, Belt Dressing, Cheap Batteries, Guns at the Border, Last Buffalo, Peregrinus

    Do you want THE BEST? Are you sure? We'll talk about the "cult of the best" and other ways to look at things. We'll also explore belt dressings, visit the last buffalo hunt, hear a tale about guns at the...

  • 2025 / 1 / 1
    241 Storage Units, Ice Roads, Sausage Kid, Honey, Diesel Heater LIES!

    Some news from Built to GO! And windshield washer fluids explained, a story about a potato, a bargain of a bed, and how to find food and more when you really need it.  Join us at VanFestUSA! February, 6-9 on...

  • 2024 / 12 / 25
    240 BTG News, Windshield Washer Fluids, XMas Activity, A Potato, Bargain Bed

    Some news from Built to GO! And windshield washer fluids explained, a story about a potato, a bargain of a bed, and how to find food and more when you really need it.  Join us at VanFestUSA! February, 6-9 on...

  • 2024 / 12 / 18
    239 Less Lethal Self Defense, Bens Street Food, Singing Tree, Power Station Problem

    Looking for a self-defense device that's not a firearm? Consider these... carefully. We'll also try a new shelf stable food, listen to a singing tree, and learn about the Achille's heel of power...

  • 2024 / 12 / 12
    238 Buying a Used Van, Diesel Heater vs. Power Station, Musk Sticks, Crossroads, Dwarf Cars

    Let's take a look at what you should look at when you're looking at a used van. We'll also dig deep into power stations and diesel heaters, try some pink treats, give up on privacy, and see some wee...

  • 2024 / 12 / 4
    237 Bob Wells Journey, LED Myth, String Lights, Melk Abbey

    Bob Wells is the Godfather of Vanlife. Why happened? We'll also expose and LED myth, review some fun string lights, and visit an old place with an unexpected twist.  Join us at VanFestUSA! February, 6-9 on...

  • 2024 / 11 / 27
    236 BLACK Friday, Pins, Concentration Camp, Firelogs, Austrian Autobahns

    BLACK Friday is upon us, and I have things to suggest. We'll also visit a concentration camp, some beautiful roads and learn why firelogs are bad for cooking. We'll also find a whole new community.  Join us...

  • 2024 / 11 / 21
    235 The ELEPHANT in the room, Baofeng Radios, Hidden Statues, Candle Heaters AGAIN

    Whew. This is a heavy one, and I break a big rule here. This might be the last episode you listen to. But it has elephants, things that catch on fire, hidden art and crazy radios.  Join us at VanFestUSA!...

  • 2024 / 11 / 6
    234 The FUTURE of VanLife, Video Games, Covering your Rig, Rare Parts, Night Ghost Town

    My voice is rough, but the content is here - let's explore what vanlife looks like in the future! Also, a couple of vanlife video games, the dangers of blue tarps, finding that rare part, and a tale involving...

  • 2024 / 11 / 1
    BONUS: Death Valley, Racetrack Playa

    Folks, my voice is near shot, so a short bonus episode this week about my recent trip to deepest, darkest, Death Valley. Full episode next week!

  • 2024 / 10 / 23
    233 VanLife Experts, Leaks, Zipper Locks, Visiting History, NotebookLM

    This week I tell you not to listen to me. And if you don't follow my advice, you'll learn about detecting leaks in your van, avoiding pick pockets, how to tell who is an "expert," and an impressive new AI...

  • 2024 / 10 / 16
    232 VanFest LiftOff! Backup battery, Lunar Lake, Sevier Lake, Water Bypass

    This week, we're going back to episode 1 and re-doing some things, but we're also going to talk about VanFest: LiftOFF where I'll be attending and presenting! Join us! We'll also talk about some dry lake...

  • 2024 / 10 / 9
    231 Staying Warm in Winter, Temp 12v Trick, Poozeum, Knots, Joolca

    Let's have a rundown of all the different ways to stay warm this winter. We'll also visit a whole lot of poo, use a powerstation for temporary 12v needs, learn to tie knots the fun way, and explore the...

  • 2024 / 10 / 2
    230 Vanlife is a Camel's Eye, Dongle Lights, Electric Cooking, Salem, MA

    A bit of rule breaking this week, as I talk about RELIGION (!) in a certain context, cooking with electricity, visiting Salem during "Spooky Season," abandoning friends, and a book recommendation that isn't...

  • 2024 / 9 / 24
    229 The SPIRIT of Vanlife?, Free Books, Trash Can, Bench Testing, Moths

    Are you following "the spirit of van life"? Spoiler: Yes, you are. You're also about to hear about the importance of bench testing, learn a lesson from a moth, score some free books and learn about a very...

  • 2024 / 9 / 18
    228 Fire Extinguishers, Gas vs. Diesel Heaters, Space Blankets, Bermuda, Royal Male

    Fire extinguishers may sound boring, but they're essential. Get one! Then we'll visit Bermuda, try out a space blanket, visit a unique store, make some custom badges, and compare gasoline heaters to diesel...

  • 2024 / 9 / 4
    227 Defining Successful Vanlife, Air Fryer, Clem, Singing Road, Recycling, Propane Locker

    This week, it's time to take a step back and realize who's in charge: it's YOU. So don't let anyone else define your success. We'll also talk about propane lockers, singing roads (really), where to recycle...

  • 2024 / 8 / 28
    226 Solar Redux, Dawn Powerwash, Yi Yu Tang House, Hitches, Strange Powers

    Big Solar Redux! Let's talk about all things solar, especially how's improved over the years. We'll also visit 18th century China, hear about some risqué material from the early days of YouTube, and learn...

  • 2024 / 8 / 21
    225 10 Things Builders Forget, RV Museum, Going Downhill, Free* Streaming, Dowsing for $$$

    10 things NOT to forget when you're building out your van! We'll also visit some vintage rigs, learn about going downhill, dowse for water and find some good cooking resources.    Pagurus in North...

  • 2024 / 8 / 14
    224 Rag & Bone Buffet! AWD vs. 4WD, JDM, Squeal Test, Katoomba, EnZed, UrbEX

    A lot of little things add up to a whole episode! No central theme, just bits about marketing, breathing, driving, squealing, traveling, exploring, and troubleshooting. Something for everyone, I hope....

  • 2024 / 8 / 8
    223 Things to Check While You're Driving, Android Radio, Sherri's Castle, Phone Mount

    Late again! And I'm being buzzed! (Not like that). But we have 10 things to check while your driving to keep you van going, a visit to a mysterious staircase in the middle of the woods, a way to figure out...

  • 2024 / 7 / 31
    222 10 Joyful Things about Vanlife, Jackery 1500 Charging, Dog Statue, VW Resources

    This week, we eschew negativity and obfuscate obstinacy! Well, at least for the first section. We'll then visit DC, a dog with a plate, play with a Jackery 1500 and violate the warranty on a USB cable. And...

  • 2024 / 7 / 24
    221 Listener Letters, Cabin Air Filters, Binoculars, Star Trek Set, Color Temp, Driving School

    This week, we'll focus on some great listener letters. We'll also visit the USS Enterprise, drive up a river, play with binoculars, measure things in Kelvin and learn if you have a cabin air...

  • 2024 / 7 / 17
    220 TOLLS, Cold Bed, Arco, Casino Parking, Japanese Wood Burning

    For whom the toll bells? It's YOU. We need to have a talk about this. We'll also explore Arco, Idaho, sleep in a casino parking lot, burn some wood artistically, and review some magnentic...

  • 2024 / 7 / 11
    219 Fixed Address, Leaving Las Vegas, Car Dwelling Guide, Vanlife Magazine

    Living full time has many challenges, but one of those is a "fixed address." We'll discuss. We'll also review a new Vanlife Magazine, visit a miniature world, leave Las Vegas, and learn what to do when we...

  • 2024 / 7 / 3
    218 Keep Calm and Carry On, Being Ready, Ring Stickup Cam, Tinker Creek, Cryptozoology

    There's a LOT going on, and it's important to remember what we're doing here—VANLIFE! We'll also talk about hitting the road with an unfinished rig, review the Ring Stickup Cam, visit Tinker Creek, Bigfoot,...

  • 2024 / 6 / 26
    217 Hipcamp, Female Trucking, Awnings, Fossil Museum, Propane Fix

    TWO Main features this week, how to deal with the heat and how to deal with pests. Then we'll slow down and enjoy some coffee mugs, learn about the two different fridge types, encounter some bad stones,...

  • 2024 / 6 / 19
    216 Heat! Pests! Coffee Cups, Fridge Types, Stones, and Kira and the Survival Pod

    TWO Main features this week, how to deal with the heat and how to deal with pests. Then we'll slow down and enjoy some coffee mugs, learn about the two different fridge types, encounter some bad stones,...

  • 2024 / 6 / 12
    215 Trailer Life? Flex Paste, Small Toilet, Stolen Tractor, Shute

    Is trailer life the way to go? Maybe! Let's take a look. And let's explore the realities of an inexpensive and small cassette toilet, find out where Shute fell (but not why), and steal a...

  • 2024 / 6 / 5
    214 The Shakedown! Cheap Tools, Free Casino Money, Meow Wolf, Missing Ingredients

    Prepare for your shakedown! Your first trip will reveal all the flaws in your rig. It's OK! It's part of it. We also find some cheap and good tools, visit a few different planets, use chicken broth instead of...

  • 2024 / 5 / 29
    213 All About TIRES, Fan Option, Propane Perils, Blinking Trees, PVC Wood

    Tires are one of the most important part of your rig, and yet they're often ignored. Let's fix that. We'll also learn a bit about propane, try some PVC wood, review some fans and watch trees blink.     My...

  • 2024 / 5 / 22
    212 Scamp Lessons, Bidets, Water Pump, Pig Slime, Drive Thru Tree, Meetups

    I've just about done renovating the Scamp, and I've learned some things that might help your build. We'll also explore the potential of bidets, try out a small water pump, drive through at tree, and find the...

  • 2024 / 5 / 15
    211 Time Travel, Diesel Heater Power, Phone Holder, Lost Mine, Road Construction

    A thought occurred, and it must be shared. Please bear with me. We'll also talk about right-sizing diesel heaters, review a phone holder that also charges, visit a lost mine and one of the largest arcades in...

  • 2024 / 5 / 8
    210 Weird Van Thoughts, Kleen Tank, Leech Beach, Etsy, Drive In

    Every have those late night thoughts? Are they different when you're in your van? Mine are. We'll also visit Wellfleet, shop Etsy, clean our black tanks, and learn why conduit is a good thing.  Travel with...

  • 2024 / 5 / 1
    209 RVing VS Vanlife, Tire Screws, Undermount AC, Gates of the Arctic, Flatland

    Is Vanlife just RVing in smaller vehicles? Not really! Let's take a look at what's the same and what's different. We'll also play with some new "tire screws,"  Travel with us on the Danube River through...

  • 2024 / 4 / 24
    208 YES you can have AC!, Large Bladder, Adam Savage, Custom Mattress

    Folks, it's time to consider having AC for your van. Off Grid! It's never been more possible, but it's still not easy. We'll also look at a large water bladder, visit some space junk, find a mattress solution...

  • 2024 / 4 / 17
    207 A VanLife Code? Romex, Cheap PWM, Munzee, Soporific Thoreau

    Is it time for a crowd-sourced code of ethics for vanlifers? Let's discuss. We'll also explain why Romex is NOT for vans, how a cheap PWM controller might be all you need, and we play a bit of Munzee. And...

  • 2024 / 4 / 10
    206 Getting Help, Stupid Truck Trick, American Vikings, Toilet Brush

    Help! You're in trouble! What do you do? Let's talk about some devices and strategies to get back to civilization. We'll also visit weird Boston, save some data on our hotspot, and play with... a toilet...

  • 2024 / 4 / 3
    205 Propane vs. Butane vs. Electric, African Van Drive, Roll o Lights, Buckingham Fountain

    Propane, Butane or Electric? What's best for heat and cooking? YES! We'll also play with a new lighting idea, visit an iconic fountain, take a rid in Africa and find an easy way to check the...

  • 2024 / 3 / 27
    204 AI Takes on Vanlife, Rice Krispie Kayaking, Pie Machine, Generators, CarMax

    What does AI have to say about Vanlife? Turns out, quite a bit, but can we trust it? Let's see. We'll also explore gas generators, and unique vending machine in Texas, encounter some powerful critters, and...

  • 2024 / 3 / 21
    203 Truck Vs. Van, Capetown, Toaster, Drill Problem, Eye Safety

    Whew! I did some math, and it's led me to some difficult decisions. You'll see. We'll also explore Capetown, make some toast, and learn how to not go blind.  Travel with us on the Danube River through...

  • 2024 / 3 / 13
    202 5 GREAT Driving Roads, Give Up on USB A, Wine Bottle Lights

    Sometimes, it's nice to remember the DRIVING part of travel. It can be fun! Here are five great drives. We'll also look at why you should NOT install USB A ports, we'll review some simple wine bottle lights,...

  • 2024 / 3 / 6
    201 The 5V Van, Floor Glue, Moroccan Rocks, Mermaids

    5v Van? We’re getting to the point where it’s possible for “light” builds. It’s a great option for no builds! And you can add CarPlay Android Auto to just about any radio, why should you avoid gluing...